Do these Primers look flattened


Full Member
Jan 23, 2014
First time using small rifle primers for 6.5 creedmoor
Brass was new unfired lapua srp
Load was 40.5 gr h4350
140gr hornady bthp
Green = regular winchester srp
Purple =federal small rifle ar match primers
Blue= winchester #41 primers.
All shot about the same
Thanks for the help
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Reason I asked: A friend of mine uses 40.5 under a 147eld. It does 2650 out of a 26” DTA and is super accurate.
I have a Franken rifle with 28" barreI i put together that shoots that load accurately. I basically started with a copy of the Hornady amax loads and adjusted to there. I've stayed with the 140bthp due to all the price increases. I bought a beater rifle in 6.5 to hunt with. I haven't loaded or shot much due to the prices. Recently got a g19x and started loading for that and the bug bit me again.