Do you have no semi-autos because they may get banned?

I'll buy whatever I want and shoot it till I can't anymore. Seems like WA is going the reverse of some of your states anyways.... we just signed in legislation allowing SBRs on Friday. So time for a new autoloading SBR!
I really don't think "they" are willing to risk a war or at least a real bloody mess. A year ago after the SH shooting people were really starting to get agitated and "they" noticed and backed off.
They have not nor will they ever back off, they just change strategy, they are coming for you, don't ever doubt that or forget it. Its just part of a wanna be tyrants make up.

I really don't think "they" are willing to risk a war or at least a real bloody mess. A year ago after the SH shooting people were really starting to get agitated and "they" noticed and backed off.
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I own many semi-autos -- including duplicates and, in some cases, triplicates -- IN CASE there is a ban. If the time comes when a ban is implemented, then the time has come to fight.
That's the very reason that I do own them. They're not legal for hunting here so short of a home invasion they are of little practical use for me. Of course they are a hell of a lot of fun at the range and if it ever goes south I will damn sure want mine.
Never had a key to my house, when I was growing up because the door was never locked. An now the door is locked even when I'm home. Is it fear or just smart.
The Constitution, including the Second Amendment, is the supreme law of the United States of America. Any law which violates the Constitution is invalid. If a state wishes to enact a law which violates the Constitution(which some have), they should be brought back into line or forced to secede from the Union.

As the O.P. is 16000 yd east of KC ( I'm assuming Kansas City, Missouri, USA), I'm typing about the situation in the USA, other countries may vary.
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You arrived on many lists just by being a member here, your hosed for life now. Just don't say bomb, or post about Nukes or dirty bombs, your next target is a AirCraft carrier, a Boomer is sinking, or Putin is your Idol. Hitler is OK as long as your not afraid of the Israels, personally I don't sleep all that well when they are pissed but that's just me.
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