excuse my ignorance, but I have never delved into the topic of ammo specific scopes before. But now I am planning to get a CZ 457 Varmint which I want to shoot with not more than 50-100 yards (maybe try 200 at maximum). Now I am wondering which scope to get.
These scopes I zoomed in on:
Amazon product ASIN B00HNSK0I4
Amazon product ASIN B000MM2QSK
I was wondering if it would be a real advantage to have the scope that is made for .22 caliber rifles. The Droptine variants of Burris are cheaper and have less quality glass, so the better option built quality wise would be the Fullfield. But maybe it is an advantage to have a reticle that is aligned with the caliber.
What would you recommend for my purposes? Thanks!!
excuse my ignorance, but I have never delved into the topic of ammo specific scopes before. But now I am planning to get a CZ 457 Varmint which I want to shoot with not more than 50-100 yards (maybe try 200 at maximum). Now I am wondering which scope to get.
These scopes I zoomed in on:
Amazon product ASIN B00HNSK0I4
Amazon product ASIN B000MM2QSK
I was wondering if it would be a real advantage to have the scope that is made for .22 caliber rifles. The Droptine variants of Burris are cheaper and have less quality glass, so the better option built quality wise would be the Fullfield. But maybe it is an advantage to have a reticle that is aligned with the caliber.
What would you recommend for my purposes? Thanks!!