Yeah, you're spot on champ...... Never been any science put into hearing loss, the causes / levels / frequency etc Industrial deafness just goes on by being ignored by the world.
Then you double down with the shit written above, you might as well say there is no specific level of blood pressure that is unheathy.... it's all dependant!

Literally some of the worst advice you have ever given that could have someone suffer serious consequences.
This is where we divert from those who understand how "science" works and those who blindly follow the word of others because of a bunch of bullshit letters after their name.
How do averages work? Do you think maybe the advice that is given, caters to the low end of the spectrum to encompass everyone? Do you think any state/gov agencies may be really liberal with their numbers to exert as much control over the populace? I mean its not like NIH or OSHA has ever had an unreasonable requirement or standard before right?
Not everyone ears or brain are the same. Someone like me, should be deaf. I have been around so many gunshots, explosions, loud industrial noise, ect that according to the experts, I should at the very least have severe hearing damage. In the last 15 years I have been tested 5 times for hearing acuity/loss. Once for a Flight Physical for OCS, Once when getting hired by boarder protection, Once to get custom in ears, 2 more times to get custom in ears.
Grew up shooting guns. Worked from 14 through college as a sporting clays trapper. Never wore ears when I worked or shot. Did not start wearing hearing protection until I started competing. Hundreds of thousands of unmitigated shotgun blasts. Then I joined the army, where other than basic trainig, never wore hearing protection. Didnt even have it in Iraq, despite a ton of fireights and getting IED's almost half a dozen times. According to everyone I should be almost deaf. Fast forward years later where I shoot about 10k rounds a year with regular In ears (that dont have enough protection according to the hearing nazis) and am around hundreds of thousands of braked shots every year. Almost zero detectable hearing loss.
So yea, my advice may be bad if you have little bitch ears. Advice is not a one size fits all. Some people have stronger/more resilant system and do not need as much protection. Some do. My theory is some peoples response systems are better at protecting itself.
You do realize that there are people who live with hypertension until they are 90? Doesn't mean its good, but that is how sample sizing works. Thats why its called a Risk Factor and not a Death Sentance. The only one double downing on stupidity is you.