Doctor Footprint Pistol Red Dot Recommendations?


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Jun 30, 2020
Apex NC
I'm fairly new to shooting with a pistol red dot but after a few range trips shooting a pistol with a red dot I am sold on it. So far, my experience is limited to a Holosun 407(RMR footprint) on a PSA Dagger and a Riton MPRD 2(RMSc) on an M&P Shield plus. I'm very happy with both of those and at first figured sticking with RMR footprint for anything compact or bigger and RMSc footprint for narrow micro size would be a good option.

The next pistol I want to put a red dot on is my Springfield Prodigy. It came with and optics plate, AOS A13B, but it is for Doctor footprint red dots. The plat for RMR footprint is A14B and the cheapest I can find it is $110 and it is out of stock anywhere that has it for less than $130. This has me thinking it might not be worth it to buy a different plat just to use and RMR footprint red dot. Looking at Doctor footprint the first two that look interesting to me at the Burris FastFire 3 and Vortex Venom which are similarly priced in the $200-$250 price range. Any recommendations between those two or for something different that fits in a $300 or less budget that is Doctor footprint. Neither of those have shake awake, which I would prefer to have but it's not a must have since my Prodigy is mostly a range toy. Or should I bite the bullet and just buy the needed optics plate and buy another Holosun 407? That pushes me overbudget at the moment so it would delay putting a red dot on that gun.