Does or should a supressor change POI?


Apr 2, 2024
I have a hunting rifle (Beretta BRX-1) and an entry level Precision rifle (Ruger Precision) both in .308.
Does anyone have any experience if I install a suppressor (Silencerco Chimera) would it change the POI? i like to be able to shoot both with and without supressor.
I have a hunting rifle (Beretta BRX-1) and an entry level Precision rifle (Ruger Precision) both in .308.
Does anyone have any experience if I install a suppressor (Silencerco Chimera) would it change the POI? i like to be able to shoot both with and without supressor.
You can't expect the POI to remain the same when you hang a 16oz+ can off the end of your barrel.
The real question is, does it return to zero when the can comes off then goes back on. It should, but only you will be able to find out for sure.
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Its the same principle as a tuner or even a muzzle break. Hang something off the end, and you will most likely change POI.

Now this is all dependent on a ton of variables such as barrel contour, length, cartridge, weight of shit hanging off the end,ect.

So you can either buy a can known for minimal POI shift and still deal with it, Get used to shooting just with a can, or learn your POA/POI adjustment for each. My suggestion would be to either shoot with it or without it all the time. Why over complicate things?