we had a great afternoon calling in the sandhills, got 5, should of got @ least one more, but partners missed, "luckily" i went 4-4 with my suppressed armalite super sass and touched off the day with a nice 55lb sandhills male, this guys furs goin on my wall. All of us were using suppressors, usually i'm self filmin but had my sister runnin the HD, we had one set i called in a nice white male and my partner missed @ 80yds, i had my eyes on a double commin in from my side, but befor I knew it my two buddies had their mags dumped (20rds in about 5 secs) on the one missed @ 80yds, i pulled out a pup in distress and had a barkin male come chargin from across the draw, and put a 200yd freehand shot on him, after all the shooting... we were still able to call one in and get a kill, i'm beginning to think... it "must" be the SUPPRESSORS!!!