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DOJ Hands Down First Indictments in Clinton / Uranium One Case


Banned !
Feb 13, 2015
Southern VA
From small beginnings come great things.

An 11-count indictment was handed out on Friday connected to the alleged Russian bribery scheme involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration, and Uranium One.

The charges are against Mark Lambert, who is the "former co-president of a Maryland-based transportation company that provides services for the transportation of nuclear materials to customers in the United States and abroad." Lambert 54, of Maryland, was charged with "one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and to commit wire fraud, seven counts of violating the FCPA, two counts of wire fraud and one count of international promotion money laundering," the DOJ said in a statement.

The charges are connected to the alleged bribery scheme that involves "Vadim Mikerin, a Russian official at JSC Techsnabexport (TENEX), a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation and the sole supplier and exporter of Russian Federation uranium and uranium enrichment services to nuclear power companies worldwide, in order to secure contracts with TENEX."

TENEX is the commercial sales arm for Russia's Rosatom, which took full control of Uranium One in 2013.

A report from October revealed that federal agents started collecting evidence in 2009 about Russian officials that were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering connected to the Uranium One deal:
Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.

Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefiting Putin’s commercial nuclear ambitions.​
In December, Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered that prosecutors at the DOJ start "interviewing FBI agents about evidence they uncovered in a criminal investigation into a highly-controversial uranium deal that involves Bill and Hillary Clinton."

This is the swamp holding an investigation to run out the clock, in other words, Sessions and Justice is protecting the Swampthings in all their corrupt ways. If serious they should have empanelled a grand jury and arrested Hilary Bill and all involved in the Clinton Foundation as well as the National Security laws they broke with that server in the basement as a start. The FBI , JUstice Dep, Sessions are protecting their own, they all gotta go, pitch fork and torch time.

The swamp and the people in the swamp are evil and an existential threat to our republic, Constitution, and our freedom.
It's a start! Not one news outlet reporting it... Not even Drudge? They are busy yammering about how beautiful sh**holes are.... Must be an anal fixation.

It is a swamp... but even starting by shooting a few lizards with a BB gun... get you a little closer.

Next, hopefully, will be some grenades in the standing water!

I voted for Trump because he would be the turd in the nice, cozy DC punch bowl... Well, let me rephrase that. The Baby Ruth bar in the pool! Toss him in there and watch the fun begin! So far, I am proved right, and in the best possible ways!


This is the swamp holding an investigation to run out the clock, in other words, Sessions and Justice is protecting the Swampthings in all their corrupt ways. If serious they should have empanelled a grand jury and arrested Hilary Bill and all involved in the Clinton Foundation as well as the National Security laws they broke with that server in the basement as a start. The FBI , JUstice Dep, Sessions are protecting their own, they all gotta go, pitch fork and torch time.

The swamp and the people in the swamp are evil and an existential threat to our republic, Constitution, and our freedom.

Now now, Jerry, youre not implying that

[IMG2=JSON]{"alt":"Image result for we investigated ourselves meme","data-align":"none","data-size":"full","height":"386","width":"500","src":"https:\/\/pics.me.me\/we-investigated-ourselves-and-concluded-that-we-did-nothing-wrong-6198633.png"}[/IMG2]
Wanting things done overnight vs getting tangible results in the long term w/o getting half the population killed, is a chess game, not checkers. The results of the last election thus far, have reversed the course of this nation in a very short time frame. What took 30-35 years to hose up will not be fixed over night. I'm just amassed the libtards have not started shooting yet, as they have tried every-other means of fucking up change, to include mass murder trying to finish what that cocksucker from shit-an-go started. The Klintons are an well be dealt with but whats on the line is far greater than most think or even perceive. The amount of mind changing Trump has done in just over a year with many who voted against him is huge. Over night results on the scale most want/ed would have led to civil war, as the money people would have went for broke. Ask your self why did blm & antifa just fade away? That reason is because those money people play chess as well, but not to the level Trumps does, an it took them that long to see the end game. When they did they went into self protection mode which was the only move they had left. It's all going to fall apart for the left, but you have to move some of the left to ctr or right to get the task completed w/o major conflict. Even at that it could get warmer in the spring, but I think the glue is stronger now as some who were ready to burn it all down for a complete reset, now will take a wait as see. If the burning ever starts it's not going to be like past events at all, it will all be over in a matter of days/weeks, not month or years. No sane person whats that to ever start, but if it does it will be over quick, but recovery will be long.

Patience is required in many venues not just the sites name.
I am okay with a civil war if that’s what it takes to restore our Constitutional Republic.

I'm not,... because far to many innocents an children will die. Those people neither caused or contributed to the issues but will pay with their lives, an I don't enjoy seeing or hearing of innocents being killed, maimed or otherwise hurt. I might be a lot of things but sadist is not one of them, I pick choose my targets. Restoration can be done w/o burning it all down I believe if not, pick your targets for change, don't just flush the whole population.
I'm not,... because far to many innocents an children will die. Those people neither caused or contributed to the issues but will pay with their lives, an I don't enjoy seeing or hearing of innocents being killed, maimed or otherwise hurt. I might be a lot of things but sadist is not one of them, I pick choose my targets. Restoration can be done w/o burning it all down I believe if not, pick your targets for change, don't just flush the whole population.

I don't think civil war part 2 will play out like civil war part 1. It will be far more targeted and far more clandestine. It's the nature of technology.

While I don't disagree with your previous analysis, the problem with incremental change is that the forces of marxism will still be there in the background biding their time. Rooting them out and exterminating them in one fell swoop will be better in the long run. The people who need to be exterminated have left plenty of evidence out in the open about their marxism, they are not hard to find.
Article 5 is the correct way but we are dealing with violent strident marxists who will eat all the innocents and children GF14 is worried about before they let the states and the people re assert their power over the Federal government.There is only one way left forward, it will only take one spark and that fuse might already be lit. I just hope I am alive and healthy enough when the slow burn ends. I do not want any of my kids living under marxist utopian rules, its not really living so you might as well fight it our to the death. This is why its good to send them to the Army to get trained so they never live as a communist slave, the old axiom comes into play here, "BETTER DEAD THAN RED". .

QUOTE=DuneBoer;n6859506]Before we have a civil war, why not have a constitutional convention first?[/QUOTE]

Justice is slow and one mis-placed period can eff it up. It’s sucks but care need be taken. My worry is not civil war. Most lefties will accept they were had and move on. Maybe a few incidents but nothing major.

My worry is that their love of FISA will keep them from telling the whole truth to us. On the grounds it will be a Constitutional Crisis. To me the Crisis begins when they keep it from us. I want The Truth Before FISA renewal. JMHO
I'm not of the opinion that is will end with the guilty parties taking a vacation.
There will be some "patsies" flushed and the true targets will slide away with the help of the swamp.
The deep state could pull a "Dallas" on this one.
I hope I'm wrong...

There are over 9,200 sealed indictments right now, sounds like 1,500 or so is a more normal number.

An important EO was signed in December that on face looks like the ability to RICO the assets of anyone that was directly or tangentially profiting from Human Trafficking - but I have a feeling it will be much more in the end. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presiden...volved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/

McSTain was just revealed at the guy who hand walked the dossier for Hillary. If McSTain knew it was bogus - it was treason. There is thought he is currently under house arrest and wearing an ankle monitor (same with Huma). http://www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/...encies/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social

Remember the stories that broke a few years ago regarding Parallel Construction and the DEA? Wherein the DEA was being spoon-fed the meta data / video / audio to prove that a crime was occurring, and then the DEA would start surveillance of their own in order to lawfully prove the same and build their case?

The NSA has it all.

While I am not willing to say Sessions is 100%, hang with him. See what is happening in 6 months.

Question of the day:

Where are Bill and Hillary Clinton physically today? The last public siting of Hillary was December 12th, in PDX OR.

Before we have a civil war, why not have a constitutional convention first?
There are two competing views between legal scholars and currently the matter is unsettled. It seems, unsurprisingly, that Congress has found lots of workarounds to prevent an Article V convention from happening. And if one were to be enacted, I think that chaos will ensue with two likely out comes: gridlock or all out war.
There are over 9,200 sealed indictments right now, sounds like 1,500 or so is a more normal number.
You just never cease to amaze with the shit you pull from tinfoil hat websites and then pass on as if it were absolute truth with a straight face.

Wait for it, wait for it..........."connect the dots"

Congress has no say in the states invoking Article 5, the federal Gov is subservient to the states and the people. They can whine all they want along with the courts, the states (meaning the people) grant the government power to govern and can take it away. The problem is the Dem and Repub parties which are private entities that collude to control our government at the Fed and State level. These two entities need to come under normal law that applies to all private entities, including being subject to RICO, FTC, Sherman Act and a host of other regulations and laws that everyone else has to abide by. This is the one obstacle to a peaceful reassertion of Constitution limits on our despotic and increasingly dangerous government, the parties will be responsible for an all out war before we put an end to these two destructive organizations.

There are two competing views between legal scholars and currently the matter is unsettled. It seems, unsurprisingly, that Congress has found lots of workarounds to prevent an Article V convention from happening. And if one were to be enacted, I think that chaos will ensue with two likely out comes: gridlock or all out war.

Congress has no say in the states invoking Article 5, the federal Gov is subservient to the states and the people.

You and I know that but there is a web of federal bureaucracy and federal courts that is setup to protect the interests of the federal government above all else. That is why an Article V convention is bound to end up, now that I really think about it, in inevitable violence.

Somebody with little left to burn from a long fuse will see the intransigence/inteference of federal courts into a duly constituted convention as the last straw and it will just escalate quickly from there.
We have reached the same conclusion, I see no way out peacefully really, the federal gov is an existential threat to our republic and our freedom. They will not cease their overstepping and will not be bound by their Constitutional restraints. I hope I live long enough to see the end of these bastards or at least the beginning of the end..
Before we have a civil war, why not have a constitutional convention first?

Because, I can think of only one way to improve the Constitution. Make me the absolute ruler of the USA. As it is doubtful that this would be the outcome it is quite likely that the same people who today are working their way around the Constitution would be able to weasel their way into being the ones in charge of rewriting it. In that likely and sad day you would be wishing that diverdon was dictator.
Because, I can think of only one way to improve the Constitution. Make me the absolute ruler of the USA. As it is doubtful that this would be the outcome it is quite likely that the same people who today are working their way around the Constitution would be able to weasel their way into being the ones in charge of rewriting it. In that likely and sad day you would be wishing that diverdon was dictator. [/QUOTE

We should work within the confines of the Constitution first. We don't know what will happen for sure. We can speculate guess or whatever. Violence toward our fellow citizens should be a last resort. My great grant mother had to pick seeds out of the mule shit to plant after the civil war because they were starving. Most of the men folk were dead. The ones that came back were missing parts. I have seen the results of such conflict in the third and 4th world shitholes enough to know I don't want it in my country. Not to mention, in this day and age the second we start fighting each other some other country is going to invade us. Civil war is a last resort. But. A runaway convention where they try to take everything away from us is not acceptable either. Sure if that happens, lets have a civil war.
its not possible for them to gut teh Constitution under Article 5, only to gut the activities of teh federal gov. LIke taxation, domestic spying, life time appointments for federal
judges etc etc.

What would cause those whom hold our Constitution in contempt to honor a constitution instituted under Article 5? Unless of course our existing Constitution was gutted under art. 5.

I don't think civil war part 2 will play out like civil war part 1. It will be far more targeted and far more clandestine. It's the nature of technology.

While I don't disagree with your previous analysis, the problem with incremental change is that the forces of marxism will still be there in the background biding their time. Rooting them out and exterminating them in one fell swoop will be better in the long run. The people who need to be exterminated have left plenty of evidence out in the open about their marxism, they are not hard to find.

The tactics a US commander used long ago, proved change could be made quickly with just a handful of people removing same. He called it nudging the enemy into a different train of thought, which worked perfectly. In fact it worked so well, congress relieved him once they found out, but the results lasted a very long time.
A few things were omitted in that, as most believe the public could not stand the truth.
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Not one peep out of our "justice" department, the samp guarding the swamp, Sessions is a piece of shit. DC needs Justice, the harsh Hand Of Justice imposed by the people in a direct action sort of way, the fuse is lit, the pot boils. Every day that goes by without indictments the bubbles start to get bigger and more numerous. Nothing breeds hatred, deep seated hatred like injustice. The fuse burns
Sessions has been doing his job quietly for a while now. The bluster between him and Trump I think is Cover and Concealment. We shall soon see.
No peeps out of Justice works for me. The alternative is leaking to the press, and we all know how immensely productive that can be. No chatter, just drop the bomb and be done with it. Like we are seeing right now. Sessions is doing is job precisely the way a professional is supposed to do it. It's just been so incredibly long since we saw actual competency that some of us can no longer recognize it when it's right in front of us, stage center...

Or maybe you'd rather see Mealy Mouth Loretta back in the position?

what has he done to indicate he is doing anything let alone his job? He recused himself for fuck sake. He is a POS Absentee AG, say what you want about loretta, Obama and the Dems, but they take action and have in one generation turned our government into a highly effective despotic leftist monolith that is now an existential threat to our freedom. Yes I want him to be more like Lynch, get your fuking ass moving or get the fuck out if the way.

No peeps out of Justice works for me. The alternative is leaking to the press, and we all know how immensely productive that can be. No chatter, just drop the bomb and be done with it. Like we are seeing right now. Sessions is doing is job precisely the way a professional is supposed to do it. It's just been so incredibly long since we saw actual competency that some of us can no longer recognize it when it's right in front of us, stage center...

Or maybe you'd rather see Mealy Mouth Loretta back in the position?


No peeps out of Justice works for me. The alternative is leaking to the press, and we all know how immensely productive that can be. No chatter, just drop the bomb and be done with it. Like we are seeing right now. Sessions is doing is job precisely the way a professional is supposed to do it. It's just been so incredibly long since we saw actual competency that some of us can no longer recognize it when it's right in front of us, stage center...

Or maybe you'd rather see Mealy Mouth Loretta back in the position?


No peeps out of Justice works for me. The alternative is leaking to the press, and we all know how immensely productive that can be. No chatter, just drop the bomb and be done with it. Like we are seeing right now. Sessions is doing is job precisely the way a professional is supposed to do it. It's just been so incredibly long since we saw actual competency that some of us can no longer recognize it when it's right in front of us, stage center...

Or maybe you'd rather see Mealy Mouth Loretta back in the position?


Thanks, It is understandable that we wish justice were quicker, but it is much more important to be fair and to follow the process.
oh yeah the slow hand of justice, give me a fuking break, its been a year, that little midget (no offense to teh HMFIC) is a goddamn swampthing, part of the praetorian guard of the swamp. Show me one dam thing he has done to indicate he is doing anything to rein in the Swamp and the lawlessness of our government. He is focussed on outlawing frikken pot again, he is a Swampian POS.

Fair justice, bullshit, justice is justice its not fair its not unfair it is justice. Fair is a very dangerous concept as it is used to divide and conquer by those with ill intent.
In the real world shit like this investigation does not happen over night, period. Those being looked at are masters at track covering, an when the hammer comes this time all the cockroaches will be in-play. You never tip your hand until it's time to trade up an that is the game here, get the ring leaders not the pawns. If they ran the ivg like high school kids they'd get high school results, I want it ran like professionals, which is what I am seeing.
I see no evidence any justice is being done, I go by facts, and there are plenty available publicly to arrest the whole dam crew. A fuking server in her basement, jesus fuking crist , arrest that bitch and do your investigation while that cunt is in supermax. You all are being slow rolled by a professional roller, Sessions, like Gowdy is all talk no fucking action. all are swampians, Trunp needs to fire that fuker, put someone else in tehre that hates these mother fukers as much as me.
Trunp needs to fire that fuker, put someone else in tehre that hates these mother fukers as much as me.
An they would walk, thru a loop hole. When a person gets to close to an IVG it's best to pull them, history proves that concept right. A number of people who should have been inside or in the ground walked do to improper IVG's an that sir is pure fact.
I prefer the IVG lasts as longs as it needs to for two reasons. The first not to miss anything, the other an most important is the perp, at some point will think it's over an make mistakes. The later has nailed many a person under IVG, One I know of that had an IQ >160.

I see no evidence any justice is being done, I go by facts, and there are plenty available publicly to arrest the whole dam crew. A fuking server in her basement, jesus fuking crist , arrest that bitch and do your investigation while that cunt is in supermax. You all are being slow rolled by a professional roller, Sessions, like Gowdy is all talk no fucking action. all are swampians, Trunp needs to fire that fuker, put someone else in tehre that hates these mother fukers as much as me.

As much as you and I might sometimes wish otherwise, memes posted on the internet do not constitute evidence that will stand up in court.
She has admitted having the server on TV, not a meme. you / we are all being slow rolled, they are hoping Trump goes away sooner rather than later and we go on our merry way following lasers shining on a wall somewhere.

GF I agree that si why he should be fired and being someone in that has integrity and balls and a deep seated hatred for injustice.
One thing to remember there are still people in the DOJ who were placed by The cunts bitch (bill), an well as her conspiratorial helper,...obummer. You don't clime out of a hole that took 25 years to dig in 30 minutes. Some of those people are going as well for obstruction. This is not you avg IVG at all, there are all kinds if speed bumps an ambushes setup that have been in waiting for years up on years. These people are not stupid at all an are masters at setting up people to fall for them.