Here is what I use and modify before the match. Station pressure is super consistent location to location, except in a class 5 hurricane, so you can look that up even before traveling to a match. Even temp need big swings and with fast-moving PRS cartridges needs only +- .1 and <600 and generally, many are just rounding the numbers so you can make you pages less dense if you plan.
Here is what I use as a full drop chart in one of the clear panels of the arm board reduced to 60% when I go to print them.
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Here are for blank cards I write in the stages
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I like to use both on the arm board. Here is an example of how I only write where the drop changes. This covers 40 degrees of temp swing
I think these are the cheap ones I use now -- : WristCoaches QB Wrist Coach - Playbook Wristband (Adult - Black) - Heavy Duty Football Wristbands for Men with Three Playsheet Compartments - Perfect for Flag Football and Tackle Football : Clothing
BTW I don't laminate them but print them on waterproof paper.
Here is a bit more on the arm-board strategy - hunting, or a team match is different than just a PRS match where the stages are provided before you start..
Oh I remember now, was not a podcast. It was Jacob's at rifles only online training. That had the loophole class
The post above is part of bigger tips and trick segment:
For a PRS match that the stages are given the morning of, I'll preprint this and fill them out in the am; but also use my rifle card - (recently moved to the E-dope card). I place these in the clear panel facing up just before each stage. I have them folded so several stages are on one piece of paper. If you took the time to look at the arm board tips and tricks page you'll see orange peel-offs, these would be inside the clear panel instead of the peel-offs. I still have the full drop chart in the clear panels below so I can reference it at any time.
Image samples are from the links to the files I attached.