A man, walking down the street one day, suddenly noticed a large funeral procession heading his way.
Curious, he watched as 2 Hearses went by. Then on foot a man, a dog, and a large line of followers a mile long were trailing behind in single file.
Unable to stand it he approached the man. "Why 2 Hearses" he asked?
"One is for my wife and one for my mother in law" replied the man.
"I'm so sorry" said the onlooker. "how did it happen?"
"My dog killed them both" replied the man.
Dumbfounded, the onlooker thought for a moment and then asked, "can I borrow your dog sometime?"
To which the man pointed over his shoulder and replied, "You'll have to get in line like the rest of them"
Curious, he watched as 2 Hearses went by. Then on foot a man, a dog, and a large line of followers a mile long were trailing behind in single file.
Unable to stand it he approached the man. "Why 2 Hearses" he asked?
"One is for my wife and one for my mother in law" replied the man.
"I'm so sorry" said the onlooker. "how did it happen?"
"My dog killed them both" replied the man.
Dumbfounded, the onlooker thought for a moment and then asked, "can I borrow your dog sometime?"
To which the man pointed over his shoulder and replied, "You'll have to get in line like the rest of them"