Dpms gen2 upper

Nordic dwarf

Oct 17, 2021
Hi! I need some advice: I have an dpms gen 2 sass that I in my infinite wisdom managed to wreck. More specifically I had an out of battery detonation that made short work of my upper and my bolt carrier group. I think the barrel is ok, but it has some 6000 rounds through it.
sooo: I need another complete upper.
Who produces uppers that is compatible?
I hail from Norway, but we have businesses here with the correct itar paperwork.
All advice is much appreciated as I really like this pattern.
F4 Defense makes G2 rifles, so you can ask them for an upper. It seems like they're the only source for the G2 that's still in operations nowadays, since Adams Arms has been sold and essentially defunct, and Remington's DPMS section was bought by PSA but isn't producing any G2. Be aware that they seem to have quite the backlog, so they probably wouldn't be able to get to your order anytime soon. If it weren't for the fact that trying to find small parts for a G2 upper is hell (more specifically the BCG), I would have suggested getting a stripped receiver and ordering a barrel from Craddock Precision.
Love the design of the G2. Had an adams arms that shot great but the fact they went bankrupt and G2 parts are rare I dumped my rifle and move into something else.
may want to count it as a loss and sell the lower.
The PSA rep over on ARFcom says that eventually they'll get around to starting back up DPMS' G2 line, but in the meantime they're barely keeping up with current demands so it's not going to happen until things cool down a bit. This is quite a recent post, and the guys over there are pretty consistent on asking for what they want, so it will probably happen sooner or later. Hearsay from one of the posters in the G2 thread says that they contacted F4 Defense to see if they can get replacement parts, but F4 says that they're so overwhelmed right now that even though they would like to offer receivers/parts/etc., they just don't have the production capability for it. I don't know about what their production situation look like right now, all I know is that it took close to 11 months for my small frame 308 to come in, even longer than it took for my Form 4 to get approved. If you're looking to get a new G2, you're probably better off getting a POF Revolution, though there would be no compatibility between the two models.

If you can somehow swing an order from Canada of all places, you can probably order the BCG needed for an upper, then order a receiver from wherever you can as well as a barrel from Craddock Precision. Be warned though, the BCG is running something like $500 and the website says they're only selling to Canadian purchasers. Overall, you're probably looking at close to $1000-1500 for this upper at the moment.