<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Beef</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mini SASS is one heavy barrel, is reputed to shoot well, DPMS MK12 is a full pound lighter. I know nothing of their complete rifles, but I'd be willing to venture a guess that if you're not betting your life on it daily or shooting against a clock it'll be fine. Don't like it, change it, that's the beauty of the black rifle, the receiver is just a shell, hardly a part that can't be changed in minutes. </div></div>
these threads are always funny...MANY people shoot against the clock with DPMS and THOUSANDS bet their lives on them every day.
my first AR was a DPMS sweet 16, was mainly my hang over the door rifle for taking out bad critters
that made their way onto the property. when I sold it it had around 15k rounds through it, mostly tula and wolf, hardly ever got cleaned, but was damn accurate and never had a malfunction. never replaced any parts.
I have owned 13 DPMS rifles in several calibers, all were very accurate and all were 100% reliable.
I currently bet my life and the lives of others every day on a DPMS 16" HBAR as well as a miniSASS in 6.8SPCII.
my patrol rifle (the HBAR) has seen around 10K rounds so far, has been through a few competitions, several carbine classes running upwards of 1000rds a day (uselly of tula or wolf), as well as SWAT school.
it has never had a malfunction.
yes, EVERY MFG has guns that will occasionaly have a problem. I was at an advanced carbine class this spring.
4 DPMS 2 BM's and 4 colts.
the only rifles to have problems were the colts. including a broken bolt.
you would have to go 3 counties over to find a LE agency that is NOT carrying a DPMS AR.
but no, you go ahead and tell me how a reliable, accurate AR used by so many LE agencies is just a
Patrol rifle
MiniSASS rides in the trunk
what a DPMS bolt looks like after about 600rds of TULA...still no malfunctions...