Went back to my mat to do some ranging through the scope.
By mils I came up with the far target at 595 yards and the close target at 545 yards.
By Bushnell ConX I got 545 yards to the far target and 504 yards to the closest. Painting the targets black in that background was not helpful.
On the top of the hill Kestrel was indicating wind at 7-10 mph right to left. I didnt take any readings in the middle of the field but the feel was much more. Engineer tape was straight out 3 to 9 but its so light its just telling me wind direction. Engineer tape on the targets was showing wind from 6 to 12.
Some people like track suits but you are not cool unless your smock and rifle are painted in matching camouflage.....
Set my initial scope setting based on the Bushnell info. The Kestrel is kind of useless with the MST scope as its a BDC adjustment design. My first setting was 5/0 and I was going to hold the right edge of the plate for wind.
First shot was a miss so sad and no way to see splash.
I figured the right to left wind was strong so I added some windage shot 2 (miss), more windage shot 3 (miss). Shot 4 with 5/0 E, 3R W (Hit) followed by two more hits.
For the far target I started at 5/2 E, 3R W (Miss with splash low just left), Adjust more elevation 5/3 (Miss), adjust more elevation 5/3.5 (Miss). Look at fine adjust elevation knob and see that I was adjusting down not up.
Shot 4, 5, 6 once I swung the changes over to elevation up were hits. Setting 5/3 E, 3R W.
Looks like when I was fucking up the "fine adjust" elevation and dialing down I was hitting the T-Post. It was brand new. Now its not.
Still a little low added .5 fine adjust. went back and made consecutive hits than my friend that owns the land took some shots....
He was getting consecutive hits at furthest distances he has ever shot.
We wrapped it up with 25 rounds for the morning and 16 hits.
Not fantastic but so much different what Im used to as the range wasnt an enclosed bowling alley.
Wind had a say.