DTA mags - unique design feature?

ELR researcher

Full Member
Mar 30, 2011
The DTA (Desert Tactical Arms) site shows three images of their mags for their SRS rifle, including one looking down the top - see image #2 here http://www.deserttacticalarms.com/accessories/magazines/srs-magazine.html# [Sorry, the image is embedded and the SH site will not accept non-web-link images. At least as best I can tell.]

The text that accompanies the images includes,

"the SRS Magazine boasts a simple but effective feature that is usually overlooked. Viewed from the top, the magazine necks down contouring the bullet shell. This ingenious design stops a bullet tip from slamming into the front of the magazine during recoil helping protect your projectile and allowing peace of mind when firing your next shot."

Support for 338 LM is included and their HTI mag page has the same text but no images. I note this because the HTI rifle is 50 BMG and .375 Cheytac (previously also listed 408 CT and 416 Barrett - site revised in the last few days to narrow the selection). Anyway...so more large cartridges are supported with this mag design.

My question is whether this "design feature" is unique to DTA for mags for cartridges in 338 LM and larger?
Re: DTA mags - unique design feature?

I've never seen another mag with this design. It seems to work ok but its damned annoying when you try to put a different (read oddball) round in the mag. The 12.7X48 won't fit in the .338 mag because the .50 BMG bullet is long and fat and won't clear the pinched in part of the mag. On the other hand the mags allow bullets to be seated out far enough to touch the lands without hitting the front of the mag, recoil won't make them hit and get dinged up either.

Re: DTA mags - unique design feature?

Others do this in different ways, namely the AICS long action mags for 338LM won't take a 338 Edge or 300 RUM case because the shoulder hits the bead in the mag side. Cutting the bead out allows for those to work and will function to limit forward travel of the shoulder inside the magazine.

It is a good idea and works well how DTA sets it up, they may be the most blatant design function this way but they are not the only manufacturer of magazines that have this kind of feature.
Re: DTA mags - unique design feature?

Pic assist for ELR.


What's the maximum COAL allowed by these DTA mags? A quick search revealed looks like the rifles are throated for shorter "factory" loaded ammo, but no joy on the max COAL allowed by these mags.

Re: DTA mags - unique design feature?

Adapting this design to the more advanced cartridges will be a retooling nightmare... with no obvious advantage over the Alpha magazine solution to this problem.
Re: DTA mags - unique design feature?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Noel Carlson</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Adapting this design to the <span style="font-weight: bold">more advanced cartridges </span>will be a retooling nightmare... with no obvious advantage over the Alpha magazine solution to this problem. </div></div>

What's an advanced cartridge?
Re: DTA mags - unique design feature?


Thanks much for the pic help - sent you an e-mail as you are over limit on PMs.


Please advise more about the "Alpha magazine solution"? Pics if possible.

BTW, as confirmed by sr90, the HTI mags have the same feature - that covers at least the 375 CT and 50 BMG. How much more advanced are you talking about when compared to the 375 CT? In ELR, what do you consider a more advanced cartridge (that is in production) than the 375 CT, other than possibly the 375 VM (which is barely "production")?

Re: DTA mags - unique design feature?


Even using "production" cases, making room for some of the longer bullets is problematic.

Alpha simply uses moveable shoulder indexing inserts in their die block.

If you look at the original Cheytac magazine, you will notice that one of the side indentations is larger than the others. The case shoulder rides on this, and it can be adjusted in the tooling.
Re: DTA mags - unique design feature?


Thanks for the explanation. In re the Alpha, are you including their "secret" 408 CT mag or just the 338 LM and lower caliber mags?

In re using any of the VERY long projectiles, yes, you simply run out of room to fit the mag in the mag well (assuming you want the projectile into or close to the lands - thus you build a VERY long mag). One expensive stop-gap "solution" for that is going to "CT-in-50-BMG", i.e., like BAT options, cutting a CT bolt face in the bolt of their 50 BMG action. [Actually you'd need to do that with a McMillan or Defiance Titan since BAT does not produce a repeater.] That buys you a LOT of room - scaling up the size, weight, and cost big time. [Look at the pic in the "408CT thru 14.5x114 comparo pic" thread to see how much you "buy".]

How will your "system" solution address this "constraint"??
Re: DTA mags - unique design feature?


The adaptations are not secret, Alpha is just accomodating.

The 375 CT platform will handle the ZA in repeater configuration just fine with slight magazine redesign (and new barrel).

In smaller calibers, including 338, the issue is taking care of itself with some of the new offerings.

The only constraint on the complete "system" is propellant.
Re: DTA mags - unique design feature?


I misspoke, not "secret" but "classified" - see http://www.alphaindmfg.com/products.html - the 408 CT mag is not available from their online store. In any case, you have provided good scoop and I thank you for that. Now, since you broached the point...

Please - not trying to move you off this thread - start a thread about the "powder" you expect to be using in your system. Saojao has a similar problem. Certainly if powder is a "constraint" in your "complete system", we must assume you have found or developed a solution - or your system, by definition, will not work. Shall I start the thread with a question to you about this topic?
Re: DTA mags - unique design feature?


I am hesitant to speak for Chris, but anyone looking for CT magazines should have no problem obtaining them from Alpha.

The rest of your questions actually are entering areas that are not yet public domain.

Re: DTA mags - unique design feature?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ELR Researcher</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Noel:

I misspoke, not "secret" but "classified" - see http://www.alphaindmfg.com/products.html - the 408 CT mag is not available from their online store. In any case, you have provided good scoop and I thank you for that. Now, since you broached the point...

Please - not trying to move you off this thread - start a thread about the "powder" you expect to be using in your system. Saojao has a similar problem. Certainly if powder is a "constraint" in your "complete system", we must assume you have found or developed a solution - or your system, by definition, will not work. Shall I start the thread with a question to you about this topic? </div></div>

I have zero issues with propellant at this time. Am I reading something wrong?