Dudes With 6.5 CM Experience, Looking for Input


World's Okayest Rancher and Hog Hunter
Full Member
  • Jul 22, 2007
    I've assembled (9) ARs to this point from the ground up, and generally enjoy the process. I possess all of the necessary tools and equipment for both large frame and small builds.

    Where build #10 is taking me though is into new territory for me...specifically I have in hand a 6.5 CM, steel Proof barrel, 22", with +2" gas, and JP enhanced bolt. It'll be going in an Aero (ewww) M5E1 set with 15" enhanced handguard. I got the whole set for $360 because it is in a fugly color and was a blem...nothing a little Krylon can't fix.

    If I'm running the (most likely) SA AGB, are there any concerns with certain buffers and springs that I should know of and avoid? I have zero experience with the Creed, but my last .308 runs like a champ. I do intend on running a carbine stock and not fixed.

    Admittedly, it has been about 3 years since I fully assembled an AR. So if there are cerain parts manufacturers these days who stand out in a good (or even bad) way, I'd love to know where to look, and where to avoid.

    Not looking for the most hard-core parts, but don't mind spending a little more to get higher quality materials.

    Much appreciated for any insight.