Frank, was you on a ship or on the barge with the team guy's? I was there for EW and I was then for Praying Mantis. If you was on the barge in 87-88 time frame we may have bumped into each other.
So was I at the time and bullet proof. Paying for it know 30+ years later. I destroyed my body from jumping out of helos(or falling out) and riding small boats for a long time. Only fell out of a helo once and I learned my lesson on that. Had a patch on my protec that said "Don't fall out stupid" one of the guys had made for me in Bahrain. Lol
Earnest Will? We did figure-eights off Bandar Abbas while the tankers went through the Straights. Never got to light up a Boghammer, but did put a 5" star shell between them and us one night.