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Member Link Up Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Sep 7, 2009
This may not be the appropriate place to post this, but I know my Hide friends are always full of good advice.

Looking to relocate from NW Montana. Love the land, hate the shitty local economy.

Looking seriously at the Spokane to C d'A area.

What do I need to know, avoid, be careful of that won't show up in an internet search.

Are there serious gun law differences? Can I shoot on public land or am I handcuffed to a (gasp) range?

Where do I NOT want to live. Where are the better areas?

I have an engineering background, specifically Manufacturing and Process Development. Wife is a teacher. Are there compelling reasons for one state over the other?

What are the hidden (and otherwise) implications of one state over the other?

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

John you should say hello and post the same question in the SHWW thread Here Its the SnipersHide Western Washington Group but does encompass the Northwest.
Over 4.5 million views I'm sure someone can help you out
Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

Washington is more restrictive in the sense of no NFA guns - no full auto, no SBR, etc. Suppressors *just* became legal to use last year.

There is a fair amount of public land... on the west side of the Cascades they have been cracking down on people shooting out in the gravel pits (the local $hit holes), funneling people towards gun ranges. Thats started to rear its head in a couple spots on this side, but in general, there's still a lot of BLM, USFS, and state DFW land that you can go out and find a spot to plink away on if you want to.
Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

Just left TriCities, WA after 22 years (My what a change KY is!)
WA gun laws are OK, CCW laws are supprizingly decent, but there is a lot of pi**ing contests going on from source like the dregs of Seattle who want to maintain their Left Coast (aka socialist) image and control. State pre-exemptiom is a good think in WA but the bleeding hearts have been attacking it for several years, so far with no success but they are learning.

IIRC ID has some great gun laws but in the early 80s CCW permits were controlled by the local sheriff and if he did not want to issue any you were just out of luck. (this may have changed)

There are some great ranges in the panhandle area, again the big one at Farragut has been under attack for several years. Not as familiar with Montana but know there are some noted long distance ranges there (1,000 yds). Boise area has one of the top 3-gun ranges in the West. Richland, WA has several above average ranges and lots of active shooters.

So part of this question should be what type of shooting do you want to do? Handgun, action, 3-gun, benchrest, trap, skeet, sporting clays, bulleye, or ???

Some good resources can be found in the Friends of NRA banquet volunteers IMHO. If you have specific questions, I'll try to answer if you email me directly.
Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

Been to the local gravel pit west of Spokane... very scary. Great place to get shot in the back. Filled with retards when I was there with my SIL.

I shoot steel, rifle, long range, tactical, 500 yds to as far as you can see, right now.

What about job availability, crime, places to live etc.? I saw places NE and SE of Spokane that seemed promising, but just drivethoughs....

Thanks again for any input guys....


Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

Teachers make much more in WA than in ID, sales tax is almost double in WA 9.8% vs ID 5.5% (approx)

Some decent ranges in Spokane, one at Mica you can put targets to 200 yards and has steel to 1000 yards, $45 per year for first two family members, $15 for next per year. Or $5 per day.

Social programs are higher in WA, unemployment etc...(pay more)

edited to add: Where to live?
Stay away from west side of Spokane below Francis?, referred to as "Felony Flats" :)

Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

Yeah stay away from the Francis street area, not really a great place to live. There is some nice areas between Spokane and Cheney I would look at. YOu could probably get into a nice house for a decent price in between there, like the medical lake area, west terrace golf course area, even up by the indian canyon golf course.

I really like spokane, the mica range in South Eastern Spokane valley is a pretty awesome place to shoot. Yeah, like $50 for all year, and then $15 for the second year!!! Thats some pretty cheap annual dues. And all the way out to 1240 yards if I remember right.
Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

Mead school district in Northern Spokane. Highest paid teachers around. Great schools.

Im pretty sure god has a summer home above colville, which is an hour north.

We have some pretty good shoots on the square range at spokane river, F class mid range, fun shoots etc.

Mica is $5 a day now. New guy that shows up on a regular basis. I think its from 2pm to dark daily.

A couple of IPSC clubs also.

Concealed weapons permits are a chip shot and Im pretty sure there is reciprocity with MT.

Pm sent
Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

Lots of Public Land, both State and Federal North of the Deer Park Area, which is approximately 20 miles north of Spokane. I work out of Deer Park, and there seems to be a fair number of places for sale, many have some acreage included. The public lands are open for shooting and hunting. There is also a fair amount of industrial timberland in NE Washington. Most is gated, although you can hunt on industry properties. One of the landowners requires an annual permit. Deer numbers are coming back from a harsh winter 3 years ago, elk numbers are low in NE washington. Lot's of moose, but drawing a permit for them is like winning the lottery. Drop me a pm if you have any questions or need additional info. Craig
Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

Yeah when I was done with school I tried to move back to Whitefish or the valley. This was just post boom. It was a huge cut in pay and cost of living is way there higher than what people think.
So here I am in Eastern WA, it's fine but the influence from the wako wet side libs is killing me. Choose wisely, money isn't all that. I am looking now and am willing for a hefty cut to live somewhere 'better'.
Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

Thanks for the feedback guys.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: rover31</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Choose wisely, money isn't all that. </div></div>

It's not just money... to a larger degree, it's culture. I will try to be somewhat diplomatic in deference to those who live here and it works for them, but I am just not wired for this place. The "good 'ol boy" mentality and the "ya gotta know somebody" are killing me. It affects local politics, hiring, everything. I worked in a professional environment for almost 25 years and when I watch the decisions that are made here... city planning, liquor licenses, local airport, roads, attracting business... I just shake my head in disbelief. But frankly speaking, the way this country is heading, I'm not sure their *IS* a place I fit anymore.

With regard to money... I don't need or want to be rich, but I'd like to be able to pay my bills, and with our local economy, even finding a job that pays $10/hr. is getting tougher and tougher. I've been sending out resumes and applications for four years in this area and I've had one interview. I thought I had a fairly good position sewed up with on of the (many) local rifle manufacturers, but it sort of fizzled into nothing. Quite disappointing. I'm thinking that living a little closer to an interstate yields more commerce, hence more jobs..... at least in theory.

I hear ya on the liberal rhetoric. My family lives outside of Portland, OR and it's the same there. 90% of the state is impacted almost in total by what is decided in Portland. A shame really...

Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

good old boys they are everywhere, I know what you mean. I have lived here for 17 years, married a local girl and am considered a local but I have a hard time with that mentality also...
Well good luck. I do really love where I live lots to do here. There is a huge bunch of good shooters here that I consider very very good people/friends ( I would under line and capitalize that if I knew how to). Nowhere is perfect... that I have found.
Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

I'll join in; interesting thread and since I live and play in CdA perhaps I can add some food for thought.
Spokane clear to Coeur d Alene really are interconnected, lots of commuting from both sides of the state line. There may be a down side of living in Idaho and working in WA due to WA not having an income tax but I'm no tax expert.

There are two ranges in town. CDA Rifle/pistol goes to 200yds which has an RO on scene. I shoot in the winter Bullseye postal league and they host high power and youth rifle as well. About 15 minutes outta town is my favorite, Fernan rod and gun will get u out to 1100. You get a key and come and go as u will, no RO's. Several pistol bays; great set up IMO.

Idaho has very friendly hunting seasons. Local sherrif signs NFA forms readily. Can hunt suppressed. A guy could dirt bike from CDA city limits to Montana and not touch a paved road, incredible public lands.

Longer post than I intended, hope I offered something to chew on. Who knows maybe BAT in Rathdrum could use your skills?
Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice


Interesting... we had originally settled on C d'A. My wife loves it there and she has friends just north of town. But when last we visited, the husband counseled me that wages are very poor in that part of ID, not unlike NW Montana and that I would be better served in the Spokane area. Like I said, I don't want/need to be rich, but would like to get a fair wage. I will continue to look there, though.

I think it's great that ID let's you hunt with a suppressor. I honestly do not understand how legislators think. By restricting hunting to loud weapons they think they will discourage poaching? Like poachers are really concerned about breaking two laws instead of one? Idiocy.

Again, thanks for the feedback. This is all very helpful.

Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

Be wary of "the grass is greener" syndrome. Find the jobs you want in an area you want and then move. Don't move and then look for work. Don't expect local politics to change where ever you go - that is consistent almost anywhere.

I went to CDA last year and thought it looked a little over-priced. It seems to have a lot of "retirement" money in the area with lots of people that didn't necessarily grow up there. Kind of trendy.

WA is nice but IMO ID and Eastern OR are nicer and generally have better gun laws.
Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: PBinWA</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Be wary of "the grass is greener" syndrome.</div></div>

This is my greatest fear. There is no way to really know what a place is like until you've lived there for a few years. Some things are obvious. I'll NEVER live in downtown Detroit or Atlanta, but other things may take months or years to flesh out and I don't want to go to all the trouble to move and find out frying pan/fire. Hence the questions.

If I find out that there are no real advantages to cancel the overwhelming cost of relocating, then I'll just stay put.

Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

I realize that I'll get torched for suggesting it but with your background...Western Washington has the jobs.

Folks bitch about the Seattle area and for the most part they are correct but its an easy fix, dont go to Seattle its that easy. Even within King County there are pockets of normalicy. Aside from the obvious Boeing there are many many small machine and job shops doing subcontract work and manufacturing for non Boeing clients.

All in all WA has hel up rather well despite the CG's best effort to continue spending money on unimportant things.

As for gun laws no F/A or SBR everything else is permitted and there are bills regarding SBR's that are looking promising.

While I think folks tend to be more conservative on the Eastern side of the Cascades it wouldnt be my first choice of places to live at least not my hometown of Crakima...I mean Yakima. All I can say is its not the same as it was some 20 years ago before I left to join the military. I cant remember the last time I carried concealed on this side but I wouldnt dream of going around Yakima w/o
Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hsss</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I hear spokane has a reasonable machining employment base. </div></div>

I wish I'd gone metal work instead of wood work in HS. Oh, well....

Thanks for the input guys... still collecting data and processing.

Re: Eastern WA/Panhandle ID guys... need your advice

After moving to the puget sound area from Oregon, I was stunned to learn that the State's regulations pretty much relegate us to shooting on ranges unless I drive about 3 hours toward the Ellensburg, or Moses Lake Areas. Don't get me wrong, those areas are beautiful, and I had a great time when I went my last match over near Ellensburg. The people running the match, the competitors, and even the people in Ellensburg were really nice.

I just wish there was something closer to Tacoma, Gig Harbor, Bremerton areas where I could shoot outdoors.

I think if you are moving to the eastern part of the state, you won't run into those problems nearly as much as there is lots more open land over there to shoot on.