
Apr 23, 2020
Shimmed B14R / Eley Match
100yds / 2 shots per square-factory class target Then two 5shot groups with what seemed to be the best setting on open class target.

I’ve already lot tested with eley match and found what worked best which is what this tuner test is with. I’m not that pleased and plan to do additional testing. I’m going to perform the test again at 50yds just because it’s easier to group things vs at 100yds. I’m also concerned about my starting point.. I’m not quite sure if my starting point should be when the tuner is bottomed out OR when it’s flush with the muzzle adapter (as pictured below)
Further down the rabbit hole I go….
I have the same tuner on a Savage 110FP in 308W. It is a consistently 1/2 MOA rifle with my loads. When I say 1/2MOA I mean it rarely will shoot over that unless something is off kilter in me setup.
What I've found about tuners is this.
They do make a difference in barrel harmonics and can shrink group sizes , BUT your ammo has to have low single digit SDs, temp stable powder, good primers, nearly identically prepped quality brass, excellent match grade bullets, an excellent barrel and your action needs to be tuned for extremely consistent ignition. Then there's the guy who's driving the rifle. Where and how you hold it is a huge factor that needs to be consistent. A whole lot of variables need to come together with a tuner OR those small groups you got playing with it today, won't repeat tomorrow. This is even more apparent with rimfire. Rimfire benchrest competitors are using the absolute best equipment with lots of those variables tuned out already before they add a tuner. They're shooting $30+ per box ammo in the same lot#
I'd be willing to bet you a $20 bill if you went out to the range next Saturday you'd end up with an entirely different set of results. Do they make a difference? Absolutely, but no tuner will repeat unless all the stars align and I haven't ever seen that.