This site is now 100% a NO POLITICS ZONE.
Sniper's Hide will no longer be entertaining any political discussion, no political jokes, no local, national or international political talk of any kind.
This includes discussion related to Second Amendment topics,
Zero Tolerance...
If you make a political post you will be banned, if you use the name of a politician in a post or make a flippant off the cuff comment that is political in nature, you will banned.
People cannot follow the rules, and feel the need to go outside of the rules as this board has had from the beginning so we are ending the practice of tolerating any type of political talk.
The purpose of this site is to discuss shooting and shooting related topics, not engage in conspiracy theories and to valid the endless chain emails being send out. If you want to talk politics, or find out whether the information on the treaty is true or if the government is buying up your ammo, please go some where else.
Since the beginning Sniper's Hide enjoyed a NO POLITICS Policy and we relaxed that policy to help protect our 2A rights. Since that time people have constantly gone beyond this scope and engaged in Anti Government Speak, this will not be tolerated. We pride ourselves in helping and supporting members of our Military and Law Enforcement and this type of discussion has hurt their participation as well as put us in an awkward position. No longer...
Consider this your one and only warning moving forward if you start a political post it will be removed and your account will banned. If someone else starts a political post before a moderator catches and you encourage and contribute to that post you will also be banned. Period, No Exceptions.
This site is dedicated to the Serious Tactical Marksman, you did not come here to talk Politics so please restrict your discussion to shooting.
Sniper's Hide will no longer be entertaining any political discussion, no political jokes, no local, national or international political talk of any kind.
This includes discussion related to Second Amendment topics,
Zero Tolerance...
If you make a political post you will be banned, if you use the name of a politician in a post or make a flippant off the cuff comment that is political in nature, you will banned.
People cannot follow the rules, and feel the need to go outside of the rules as this board has had from the beginning so we are ending the practice of tolerating any type of political talk.
The purpose of this site is to discuss shooting and shooting related topics, not engage in conspiracy theories and to valid the endless chain emails being send out. If you want to talk politics, or find out whether the information on the treaty is true or if the government is buying up your ammo, please go some where else.
Since the beginning Sniper's Hide enjoyed a NO POLITICS Policy and we relaxed that policy to help protect our 2A rights. Since that time people have constantly gone beyond this scope and engaged in Anti Government Speak, this will not be tolerated. We pride ourselves in helping and supporting members of our Military and Law Enforcement and this type of discussion has hurt their participation as well as put us in an awkward position. No longer...
Consider this your one and only warning moving forward if you start a political post it will be removed and your account will banned. If someone else starts a political post before a moderator catches and you encourage and contribute to that post you will also be banned. Period, No Exceptions.
This site is dedicated to the Serious Tactical Marksman, you did not come here to talk Politics so please restrict your discussion to shooting.