Egypt Tells Netflix Cleopatra Wasn’t Black: ‘Falsification of Egyptian History and a Blatant Historical Fallacy’


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Feb 25, 2017

David Ng28 Apr 202383

The Egyptian government has denounced Netflix’s upcoming docudrama series Queen Cleopatra, saying the streamer’s decision to portray the ancient queen as a black woman represents a “falsification of Egyptian history and a blatant historical fallacy.”
Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities issued a lengthy statement in a Facebook post Thursday in which it said Cleopatra had Hellenic, or Greek, features and was light-skinned, not black. The conclusion is based on artistic representations of Cleopatra as well as DNA research done on ancient Egyptian remains dating from the era.
Mostafa Waziri, who is secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said in the statement that Netflix’s show represents a “falsification of Egyptian history and a blatant historical fallacy.”
He said because the series is a documentary, Netflix needs to investigate the show’s historical accuracy.
Netflix’s Queen Cleopatra, which is executive produced by Jada Pinkett-Smith and is set to begin streaming May 10, has ignited a firestorm of debate over the decision to cast a black actress as Cleopatra. The debate has become especially intense in Egypt, where Netflix is being denounced as a historical revisionist trampling on an entire nation’s history.
An Egyptian lawmaker named Saboura al-Sayyed has reportedly even called for Netflix to be banned.
As Breitbart News reported, the online criticism has become so volatile that the streamer turned off comments on social media posts showing the trailer for the series. A petition calling for the series to be cancelled was removed without explanation.
You guys removed our petition after almost getting 100K signatures – shame on you!
— AIKK (@AikkYasser) April 14, 2023
I lived in Africa for a few years. I can't tell you how many times I was told, "You're black Americans make African's look bad" They refused to call our black Americans, "African Americans" because they were so pissed at the black American culture. No lie.
I worked in west & south africa mostly and a couple jobs in east africa.
If anything they feel that the American variety isnt murderous or rapey enough for their standards.
First job i went on in Cape Town had a local guy helping me and explained he was discriminated against becuase he wasnt black enough, said they reffered to him as a color not black.
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I worked in west & south africa mostly and a couple jobs in east africa.
If anything they feel that the American variety isnt murderous or rapey enough for their standards.
First job i went on in Cape Town had a local guy helping me and explained he was discriminated against becuase he wasnt black enough, said they reffered to him as a color not black.
"Colored". I was in Cape Town also. The caste system was White, Colored, and Black. Daggum them "colored" girls loved the American Gingerman, and I let them have at it! There was one gal, "Chantelle" Arabian + colored mix. Her skin sparkled like bronze, and she had the most perfect set of tits I ever saw. Doe eyes, long ass natural eyelashes, proper British English accent...hmmm
Doesn't take a science rocketist to look at a map and tell that Egyptians weren't black.
I mean, yea, it is the african continent, but that is like saying Afghani's, Russians, and Chinese are all the same race.

So did Jada Pinketts hubby slap the shit out of her for this shit ?
He should have.
It would not be the first time Hollywood or artists get it wrong. Jesus was a Hebrew, essentially what we would now call an israeli. He was not from Norway. Yet, a number of paintings make Him to have red hair and blue eyes.

One of my favorite portrayals of him is by this man, who has continued the role on stage for decades. It may not be art, but I like it. Here, he is in his 60's.

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Cleopatra was largely Greek as her dynasty was descended from Ptolmey one of Alexander's generals.

In addition, Native Egypt according to the US census is white. Only recently did they make a category for Arab/Muddle East (yes that pisses of North Africa and Iran)

She did have a lot of Roman in her as well *snicker*

History is fun....
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Cleopatra was Greek. Even her damn name is Greek. The Ptolemaic dynasty were one of the Diadochi who fought each other after the death of Alexander.
And even if she wasn't Greek, the Egyptians were not Black. Nobody even referred to them as Black. That was reserved for their southern neighbors the Αἰθιοπία (Ethiopians) whose name means "men with burned faces".

Egyptians clearly delineated the races which were known to them:
Libyan (white) Nubian (black) Semite (yellow) Egyptian(red)
Cleopatra was largely Greek as her dynasty was descended from Ptolmey one of Alexander's generals.

In addition, Native Egypt according to the US census is white. Only recently did they make a category for Arab/Muddle East (yes that pisses of North Africa and Iran)

She did have a lot of Roman in her as well *snicker*

History is fun....
History Channel showed a lifelike rendition of her from artifacts and some shit. Guess Ol Cleo wasn't bombass gorgeous, but it was told she had a presence or ambiance. So, she was kinda butterface, and could twerk that cookie.
It would not be the first time Hollywood or artists get it wrong. Jesus was a Hebrew, essentially what we would now call an israeli. He was not from Norway. Yet, a number of paintings make Him to have red hair and blue eyes.

One of my favorite portrayals of him is by this man, who has continued the role on stage for decades. It may not be art, but I like it. Here, he is in his 60's.

good point. Being a Mediterranean Jew rather than an Ashkenazi (Russian/northern European) Jew he likely looked more like the guy on the right.

"Colored". I was in Cape Town also. The caste system was White, Colored, and Black. Daggum them "colored" girls loved the American Gingerman, and I let them have at it! There was one gal, "Chantelle" Arabian + colored mix. Her skin sparkled like bronze, and she had the most perfect set of tits I ever saw. Doe eyes, long ass natural eyelashes, proper British English accent...hmmm
In cape town you have the British and Dutch Whites, the various Blacks descended from Bantu tribes, and the Hottentots who tended to get mixed in with the Whites because they were the slaves. Then the was a huge influx of subcontinent Indians too. Congrats on getting lots of foreign pussy.
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In cape town you have the British and Dutch Whites, the various Blacks descended from Bantu tribes, and the Hottentots who tended to get mixed in with the Whites because they were the slaves. Then the was a huge influx of subcontinent Indians too. Congrats on getting lots of foreign pussy.
Just based on the law of averages, I got to have some unclaimed gingersnaps in a few continents. :LOL:
It would not be the first time Hollywood or artists get it wrong. Jesus was a Hebrew, essentially what we would now call an israeli. He was not from Norway. Yet, a number of paintings make Him to have red hair and blue eyes.

One of my favorite portrayals of him is by this man, who has continued the role on stage for decades. It may not be art, but I like it. Here, he is in his 60's.

at the same time, the Jews had spent a lot of time in Persia, which back then was white as white bread. Neighboring Asia Minor was full of Greeks, Celts (Galatians) Lydians, Hittites and other I-E people, And all the way over from the edge of the fertile crescent through to the Tarim Basin in China was full of red and blonde haired, blue and green eyed white people. The Jews were dispersed and then brought back from all these places, and then the Greeks spread their genes up until the wars of the Maccabees and the Greek Herodian dynasty, not to mention what the Romans did, so even though Jesus himself was from the direct line of David through Mary's lineage, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a good number of other Israelites who were fairly light at that time.
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History Channel showed a lifelike rendition of her from artifacts and some shit. Guess Ol Cleo wasn't bombass gorgeous, but it was told she had a presence or ambiance. So, she was kinda butterface, and could twerk that cookie.
I believe in the current lingo it would be "could suck a golf ball through a garden hose" as it were....

And yeah definition of beauty is fluid. Kinda like how millionaire/billionaires tend to have bombshell wives...

Jules was all like...."Queen of Egypt? Yeah totally tapping that"

Marc be all "Dibs on sloppy seconds"
  • Haha
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Cleopatra was largely Greek as her dynasty was descended from Ptolmey one of Alexander's generals.

History is fun....

Yes This

I bet ole Jada Tupac's head would explode if she had to admit to herself that Africans were historically white, arab and black. Just kills the whole US black afrocentric African fantasy. Oh hell could it be Wakanda was founded by Greeks?
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Well, Egypt is kinda close to Niger so I guess I can understand the "mistake". :sneaky:
Hee hee, you used the n word. People tell me the word did not come from the name of this country but from the Spanish word for black. If that were the case, wouldn't the spelling start out negg...?
Hee hee, you used the n word. People tell me the word did not come from the name of this country but from the Spanish word for black. If that were the case, wouldn't the spelling start out negg...?

Well, in all fairness Niger is pronounced "nye-jeer". Still doesn't take away from the humor of it being a little kid in school and you first see that name on a world map. :D
  • Like
Reactions: Ronws Have you never had black beans and rice....frijoles negro.
En casa, we call them 'negritos', little blacks.

I cook them with a bit of wine to eat the gas, a bit of olive oil, to cream them a bit, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Makes a wonderful black gravy. Add a couple fresh made flour tortillias, a jalapeno, and a little chunk of cheese, ad look out.
Frijoles negro means black refried beans....rice is arroz.
So it would be arroz con frijoles negro, or frijoles negro con arroz.

Si mon is pronounced simone.
And dude/bro is carnal.....which is just a wrong word for me if speaking about a dude even if it is another language.
Homie don't go carnal on the bros, that shit is just wrong.
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Frijoles negro means black refried beans....rice is arroz.
So it would be arroz con frijoles negro, or frijoles negro con arroz.
Really? Working around these mexicans and a few hondurans, a costa rican, and an el salvadoran, wow, knock me over with a feather.

Si mon is pronounced simone.
Correct on the pronunciation, but it is two separate words.