ELR rear bags aka protecktor heights and widths

FimRire RongLifle

Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Apr 27, 2022
Florida, USA
looking for input on sizes used. I find the airfoil bag is good except when i have to pump it too much for downward angles as it makes it hard on the top and can round the bottom and i can get some stock slide sideways especially when using it with tiny rifles vs a heavy.

I also have a full height heavy with handle Protecktor thats too high at other times with smaller rifles. I was thinking of the 1" shorter one to fill a gap for me and was wondering if anyone has feedback and what ear sizes they use. The ELR low one might be too redundant for me compared to the airfoil.

Im trying not to get PRS ish with a million bags (too late really) but especially if im not using a phoenix or other highly adjustable front that i wind up in some weird spots where im crushing a squeeze bag for elevation with a nearly shaking hand or im pumping an airfoil too much to get the damn bore down

any other 'middle height options' im missing? Should I really be considering the metal rear bag adjuster plate for where they are allowed?
I'm struggling with rear bag also.
I've got a protektor but it's not the right one. I'm starting to lean towards something like one of these and then use rubber pads to stack it up for elevation.

I also figure just a rectangular bag 5x6x7 would allow me some different heights and squeeze to adjust and play with the fill until I'm happy.
I was actually just about to message someone about custom making me this bag

I keep ending up using a pint sized game changer, it gives lots of height options and able to squeeze but there is certainly more stable options
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I was shooting the other day and stacked my pint sized game changer on top of a 3D ELR bag from Precision underground to get the height I needed. I've now had the idea to try stacking some pieces of horse mat under the game changer for height adjustment.
Between horse mats and the bag rider I should be able to adjust to any height I need, also have the option to give the bag a little squeeze. We'll see how it works out.
Ok the rubber mats works sweet for elevation my only issue is they slide around on each other to easily. anyone got tips on making them slightly tackier to stick a bit better to each other or any other ideas
The horse mats with pint sized GC worked great but it was a bit to deep to manipulate the ABR wheel.
I haven't had a chance to try this yet but seems like it's gonna work sweet.

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