Engineer minds please help


Full Member
Oct 1, 2017
I’m trying to design and 3D print a part for a picatinny rail clamp that acts like the Really Right Stuff VYCE where both clamp walls move in or out from turning the knob. I’ve been looking at different version and some utilize an inner and outer threaded bolt and I just cant wrap my head around how it works or where to find the parts. Any assistance would be appreciated
Closest thing that I can think of would be like a turnbuckle style connecting rods. One end is standard thread and opposite end is left hand thread.

McMaster Carr has some both internal and external thread. "turnbuckle style connecting rods"

"Left hand stud" search might help as well.
A self centering drill guide works on the same principle using RH and LH threads to keep the sides equal distances from the center of the jig. The center portion is pinned to the screw shaft to hold it solid while still allowing the screw to turn. I have no idea where you would find parts like that in a size that would work for your purposes.
The same effect can be achieved with a rack and pinion setup. Many phone holders have this kind of mechanism. There are two racks, each connected to one side of the clamp. The racks are driven by opposite sides of the pinion gear which either pulls them in or pushes them apart.
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