Rifle Scopes EOTech Vudu 1-8x24 - Anybody looked at one or have experience?


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Mar 25, 2019
Like the title says, looking for any feedback on the relatively new 1-8 Vudu. I can't seem to find a solid review anywhere. I'd like a 1-6 or 1-8 LPVO for a gas gun, and have seen some good deals on this model. I know the 1-6 has been pretty well received.

Eotech Link: https://www.eotechgear.com/vudu-model-1-8x24-sfp

I'm not super impressed with the reticle, but it might go well on a 3gun or hunting setup. I'm curious as to eyebox, red dot brightness, and how it compares to the other big LPVO players like Nightforce, Trijicon, Vortex Razor, etc.
Like the title says, looking for any feedback on the relatively new 1-8 Vudu. I can't seem to find a solid review anywhere. I'd like a 1-6 or 1-8 LPVO for a gas gun, and have seen some good deals on this model. I know the 1-6 has been pretty well received.

Eotech Link: https://www.eotechgear.com/vudu-model-1-8x24-sfp

I'm not super impressed with the reticle, but it might go well on a 3gun or hunting setup. I'm curious as to eyebox, red dot brightness, and how it compares to the other big LPVO players like Nightforce, Trijicon, Vortex Razor, etc.

I would be interested in this scope as well. Eotech makes great "combat" sights for the AR platform. I would like more info as well
For the money the razor 1-6 was better for the same price, and sometimes cheaper. Then you have the Accupower that was cheaper with the same performance but in ffp. Add in the EOTech buy back (different sight system). If they would of sold it for under 1k they would have gotten some sales.
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People can complain all they want about IG influencers or whatever, but handing out a few scopes for review to competent guys like koshkin, BJF, Steve Fisher, Bill Blowers, etc. would go a LONG way in getting people the information they need to make purchasing decisions about new products. No one wants to dump a thousand bucks on an SFP 1-8x if they are not entirely sure it has a genuinely daylight bright reticle.
People can complain all they want about IG influencers or whatever, but handing out a few scopes for review to competent guys like koshkin, BJF, Steve Fisher, Bill Blowers, etc. would go a LONG way in getting people the information they need to make purchasing decisions about new products. No one wants to dump a thousand bucks on an SFP 1-8x if they are not entirely sure it has a genuinely daylight bright reticle.
A great point. They claim its daylight bright, but its shocking to me if they really want to push this product that its not been reviewed by independent third parties. I would be a buyer I think under $900 if this was a solid product. It would have to include good glass, good eyebox, daylight bright illumination, and compare favorably to the Trijicon and Vortex competition.
So I have the 1-8 and I have looked through the 1-6. The 1-8 SFP is significantly brighter. I was at the range yesterday in full daylight and had no problems seeing the red dot. Looking directly at the white rock on the ground it’s harder to see but against brown targets or just about anything else it’s fine.

I like the lack of clutter in the reticle and the holds work for me. Not sure I would pay full price for one, I used my trade in deal from a busted 2011 made eotech for the purchase.
Also, the included throw lever needs to be installed with lock tight. I initially just hand tightened it on and after shooting for a few hours noticed it fell off. I was able to find it luckily. A little lock tight and now it stays on. I wish they would have included a plug for the throw lever hole to keep debris out when not using the throw lever.
So I have the 1-8 and I have looked through the 1-6. The 1-8 SFP is significantly brighter. I was at the range yesterday in full daylight and had no problems seeing the red dot. Looking directly at the white rock on the ground it’s harder to see but against brown targets or just about anything else it’s fine.

I like the lack of clutter in the reticle and the holds work for me. Not sure I would pay full price for one, I used my trade in deal from a busted 2011 made eotech for the purchase.
Great feedback, thank you! How is the eyebox, especially at higher power? True 1x?
This is what I have. Crystal clear Jap glass. Excellent reticle. 2 NV modes. Love it!
This is what I have. Crystal clear Jap glass. Excellent reticle. 2 NV modes. Love it!

That looks nice. I just don’t like exposed turrets on my carbines. I’ve had some on another optic move just from being bumped around against my plate carrier.
The eye box at 8x is tight. I can’t help but think they should have left it at 6x. At 1x it’s amazing. Overall I am impressed with the optic and the more I use it the more I like it.
Thanks, its out for me then. Perhaps they should have left it at 6x, or gone to a 34mm tube to assist with pupil/eyebox. Does sound like a nice scope still.
Any fisheye at 1x? And how well does the BDC work? And where are these scopes made?

No noticeable fisheye to me.

The BDC works as well as you make it work. With my load data and zeroed at 25 the first hash mark is 300 the second is a inch low at 400 and the third is 4 inches low at 500. The last hash is a foot low at 600. Yeah it could be better or I could adjust my load to better match it but honestly it’s not bad as is. I can remember the holds and the optic is very clear.

All in all I am happy with the purchase. Also the scope says made in Japan, I assume by LOW.
TTAG reviewed it here and wrote nice things, compared the glass favorably to Vortex and Nightcore. I think I'm sold for if/when I upgrade my LPVO. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/optic-review-vudu-1-8x24mm-riflescope/
Thanks for pointing out the review. Definitely some weaknesses in the reticle observed with no windage and capped turret to do any kind of holdovers.

He does like the glass and construction. No mention that I saw of eyebox or ilumination brightness levels being daylight bright, though he does mention good battery life.

I think given the normal price on this, the weak reticle, that its SFP and an 8x, I would purchase the competition instead.
He wrote this about the illumination:

Press the close button until the light blinks and notes that it is on its highest brightness level, and the center dot is still bright even in the brightest daylight. There are 10 total brightness settings.

I don’t shoot often in windy conditions, so I don’t know how important wind is to me. If this stays at $875, it’s on my short list, but at or near MSRP, I’m going with the competition, too. Razor goes for like $1200 on Expert Voice.
He wrote this about the illumination:

I don’t shoot often in windy conditions, so I don’t know how important wind is to me. If this stays at $875, it’s on my short list, but at or near MSRP, I’m going with the competition, too. Razor goes for like $1200 on Expert Voice.
Missed that, thanks .