Episode 123 moa wind


Apr 8, 2018
Frank challenged how to dope wind on the fly using moa, and eliminate the math.
I use what I call a base 1 system, I have doped my rifle for wind, specifically how much wind causes a 1 moa shift of impact and at what range.
My numbers are as follows
300yd. 5mph
400yd. 3.5mph
500yd. 3mph
600yd. 2.5mph
700yd. 2mph
800yd. 1.75mph
900yd. 1.5mph
1000yd. 1.25mph

Those exact winds will move point of impact on my rifle 1moa (you have to adjust that to work for you)

Now granted I can't judge wind in half mph or quarter mph intervals so I have to use some "artistic creativity" and yes there is a slight error factor but no more than the error introduced with any system from not judging wind to the exact mph every time,......so i do some averaging and the final product looks like this
300yd. 5mph = 1moa
400-500 3mph = 1moa
600-800. 2mph = 1moa
900-1000. 1 mph = 1moa

use half for half value wind
Maybe not exact but will get hits most the time.

My numbers are based on my 308 with my load. Could be pretty close to others but I would want to run the numbers and tweak it for use with other loads and rifles.
The system itself should work for anyone even if the numbers change

I suppose i should have posted this in that thread but I'm a rookie and wasn't aware the other thread was there. I was just listening to the podcast about this topic and figured I would throw my method out there
If your method works for you, and is easy for you to do in your head, then keep using it. Hits are what matter. What we have sought in the other threads is varying ways to use some "base wind" and a simple bit of math to give the angle of deflection. That base wind will be the constant for your gun/ammo combination.
definitely appreciate you posting this

The goal, what we are looking to accomplish is given as many people who still shoot MOA scopes the ability to dope their wind in the same manner we do for Mils

We want a universal solution that eliminates as much of the math as possible that aligns the values to the different calibers without having to work the formulas backward in order to get a constant that works correctly.

We are looking for a streamlined option for people, this does align to what we are looking at, but not for each yard line, as we want to simplify it as much as possible