So, I place an order of bullets from my preferred supplier who ships in flat rate USPS boxes. The business has figured out the most economical way of shipping and is able to put 69 pounds of bullets in each box. They then tape the outside of the box to reinforce it sine we all know USPS is not gentle when they handle packages. After they refuse to deliver them to my house (a whole other story), my wife runs by to grab the boxes. They inform her that she needs to pay an additional $37 per box due to insufficient postage. Apparently, the USPS flat rate boxes are not allowed to have tape all over them because it goes against the “spirit” of flat rate shipping per my later conversation with the Postmaster. I asked if the box dimensions had been changed to which he answered no. I asked if it was overweight to which he answered no. Then why won’t you honor the flat rate box? It has tape on it. This bullet company has packed the boxes the same for the last 5 years and I have never had a problem. So, what do these assholes do? They notify his post office that the boxes are in violation and now they will not accept any reinforced boxes from him. That is what we have come to in this country. Now we know why they are going broke. They have spent hours today to try and avoid honoring their rates, and are willing to send the packages back instead of just delivering them.