Every Hobo With a Shotgun


Beware of the Dildópony!
Full Member
Jun 15, 2008
Sure, why not?


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Just supply arms to all liberals with a warning lable do not look down barrel while firing. You know liberal "don't tell me what to do" types will instantly do it and post on face book. Problem solved in a matter of days. Liberals are responsible for most crime so its a win win.
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Is this guy just trolling or what? Obviously a non-trivial percentage of hobos would sell the hardware or trade it for crack as soon as no one was looking.

Another non-trivial percentage would have theirs stolen by other hobos or by garden variety scum of the universe.
Hobo with a Shotgun is a great UltraViolence movie, so much gore it's comical.

Best self defense move.... stabbing your attacker in the neck with your own broken splintered protruding arm bones...

That being said, if a homeless person wants to have a gun to protect themselves, they have just as much a right as anyone, provided they are not crazy or of a criminal bent (which unfortunately rules out most of them). Also generally a gun is worth more to them to sell then to keep.
But unless we decide that we will all pay via the government to arm every citizen for national defense, probably best let people earn the money for their own guns as that tends to make sure they appreciate them more & also know how to work a legit job.
sooooo youre just going to give mobs of desperate drunks and drug addicts shotguns to carry around everywhere?

i mean hey, im fine with that...just allow me the same courtesy to carry my AR-15 without anyone bothering me about it...

also, is it just homeless that get govt shotguns? or can the rest of us get in on this too?........
Im going to have to start carrying spare change because after this goes through who's going to say "Fuck off" when they shake the cup in your face at red lights?
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