Load cases as if you were fireforming . IE : if you have the
correct tools to accurately measure base to ogive of your loaded
round , and tools to measure distance to lands , you can seat the
bullets for a 15 thou jam . Hopefully you can blow out the front end
of the case to its correct dimension .
If if you have a unfired 6.5 x47 case , measure the base to shoulder
compared to a non resized , fired case from you chamber . I get
1.383 for unfired , and 1.391 fired , obviously Lapua case can easily
cope with an 0.008 stretch .
Just firing the oversized cases without jamming the bullet may result
In overstretching and damaging the case . Most likely your usual load
is jumping to the lands , so reduce the powder charge half a grain or
a full grain to be safe with pressure , especially if you are running a hot
load around 40 or 41 of H4350 .
Proceed with caution , check for pressure signs carefully .