I have the K&M V2 both two row and three row. The mandrel holder/vertical fine adjuster works for both. The hash marks/indicators on the mandrel holder is a nice detail, but it is kind of a gimmick. The straight portion of the mandrel itself is long enough that you really don't need hash marks on the fine vertical adjuster to dial in the specific vertical height of the mandrel. The mandrel die body itself has holes so you can visually set the vertical height of the mandrel so that the case mouth doesn't contact the top of the mandrel, rendering the harsh marks pointless (my opinion).
There's a groove right before the top of the mandrel that collects debris (whether it's left over carbon or brass flakes) which is nice but the area that transitions from the tapered lead in to the straight portion of the mandrel can also collect a tiny bit of debris and brass particles. Doesn't affect anything as far as I can tell.
Not really much else to say about it other than it works, diameter of mandrels are as advertised (for the ones I purchased; measured with vernier micrometer) and order a set of mandrels so you can account for brass spring back.
Pic below of a K&M 30 cal .0025 mandrel at 10x magnification, you can see the brass particle collecting at the transition area.
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