Direct from the FCSA Facebook Page..for those that have not seen it.
We are holding ELR Fun Shoots, just prior to the FCSA Sanctioned Raton Regionals.
The ELRFSs are May 22-24 and September 25-27, 2018
The 600/1000 yard match’s are May 25-27, Sept 28-30
Held at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton New Mexico, George Tubb Range.
We will have a one shot Cold Bore Challenge at 1000 yards and 3-4 Plates out to 1400 over 1800 and over 1900 yards, if approved by the NRAWC, we will have two targets over a mile! Walter has been meeting with them, and scouting out the target sights. I appreciate the work Walter puts into this sport! We will announce times that Walter could use a hand for the prep or final setup.
Shooters will have a 1-minute warning, then 14 minutes to send 5 shots at each target, time starts with the cold bore shot. We will have 2-3 shooting positions to rotate, so no additional setup time will be given, you will have ample time to setup while others shoot. Teams will have one minute to clear the area for the next shooter. If a team is not present when their allotted slot comes open, they will be moved to the end of the day, or fill the next available time slot.
This is a non-elimination team sport. Teams coming up will monitor the cameras, and call the shots if the shooter wishes, you my also use your own team to monitor, and calling shots from the camera system is allowed. We are doing this for development, learning, and practice. You learn nothing from shots you do not take, or see the impact.
We will be making up a few rules as we go
, this is a work in progress. We are not trying to mimic the King Of 2 Miles. The ELRFS is shot on a different ELR range than the KO2M, it is being developed on the opposite side of the 1000 yard line.
We will squad participants shooting in the weekend 600/1000, to shoot the ELRFS on Thursday, and back fill from there. Registration forms will be here, soon after SHOT. http://www.1moa.org/match-schedule-2018.html
You must join the FCSA to participate in these events.
Your rifle must weigh over 38#, so bring a couple of sand bags to throw over them if they do not make weight...Just Joking.
Direct from the FCSA Facebook Page..for those that have not seen it.
We are holding ELR Fun Shoots, just prior to the FCSA Sanctioned Raton Regionals.
The ELRFSs are May 22-24 and September 25-27, 2018
The 600/1000 yard match’s are May 25-27, Sept 28-30
Held at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton New Mexico, George Tubb Range.
We will have a one shot Cold Bore Challenge at 1000 yards and 3-4 Plates out to 1400 over 1800 and over 1900 yards, if approved by the NRAWC, we will have two targets over a mile! Walter has been meeting with them, and scouting out the target sights. I appreciate the work Walter puts into this sport! We will announce times that Walter could use a hand for the prep or final setup.
Shooters will have a 1-minute warning, then 14 minutes to send 5 shots at each target, time starts with the cold bore shot. We will have 2-3 shooting positions to rotate, so no additional setup time will be given, you will have ample time to setup while others shoot. Teams will have one minute to clear the area for the next shooter. If a team is not present when their allotted slot comes open, they will be moved to the end of the day, or fill the next available time slot.
This is a non-elimination team sport. Teams coming up will monitor the cameras, and call the shots if the shooter wishes, you my also use your own team to monitor, and calling shots from the camera system is allowed. We are doing this for development, learning, and practice. You learn nothing from shots you do not take, or see the impact.
We will be making up a few rules as we go
We will squad participants shooting in the weekend 600/1000, to shoot the ELRFS on Thursday, and back fill from there. Registration forms will be here, soon after SHOT. http://www.1moa.org/match-schedule-2018.html
You must join the FCSA to participate in these events.
Your rifle must weigh over 38#, so bring a couple of sand bags to throw over them if they do not make weight...Just Joking.