Finally tried this bullet for hunting today out of a 16in AR. I figured pigs would be a good test to see if it is able to hold together like they advertise. First shot with it was at a hog at about 125 yds quartering towards me. Shot hit the front shoulder and she did one spin and sat down and died right there. I was surprised that the bullet actually went fully through her. Now I would guess that she weighed somewhere around 80 lbs but the shot hit and broke the near shoulder and exited the middle of the ribs on the back side and broke 2 of the ribs with the exit hole having a piece of rib bone sticking out of it. I know that isn't a huge pig but they are tougher then deer on bullets and this penetrated more and did more damage then the 77 smk and 62 grain federal tactical bonded ammo that i have used this year so far. Just my observations on the first kill I have had with this round, and I wouldn' hesitate to use it for deer (they are small down here). If anyone wants pics I could email them to someone, me and posting pics arent working very well at the moment.