We're totally fucked when the defense argues the Commerce Clause and wins, when this horrific an legal? form of child abuse/mutilation goes completely unpunished because a fucktard judge invalidates a completely common sense law.
Honestly, if there was any justice that judge ought to have his fucking dick chopped off and stuffed into his fucking mouth, because that is EXACTLY what he is saying is perfectly legal! To legally prevaricate legally like this, when we are literally talking about mutilating the gentles of female children, is fucking unbelievable.
There is not parley with this. There is no negotiating a middle ground or compromise of any sort. You shoot mother fuckers who do this to children. If the religious practice was cannibalism, you fucking arrest them and execute them. In this case it's the worst kind of child abuse I can imagine. If the practice was to rape the children at least they would be physically whole. If this were a boy, for the same stated goal, you would chop off his dick so he had no sexual desire and would remain chaste. No civilized people have done this for hundreds of years. It's completely barbaric and must be stamped out completely. All involved must be prosecuted for the most egregious child abuse to the absolute extent of the law.
I cannot believe this is happening in America. I just want to punch any fucktard liberal in the face who claims this is Islamophobia, or that laws specifically stating Sharia is illegal are somehow racist! Where the fuck are the feminists? Silence. Nothing could prove what emptiness lies in modern feminism than their silence on this horrible child abuse. Fuck them!
I am so mad right now I can't stand it.
We're totally fucked when the defense argues the Commerce Clause and wins, when this horrific an legal? form of child abuse/mutilation goes completely unpunished because a fucktard judge invalidates a completely common sense law.
Honestly, if there was any justice that judge ought to have his fucking dick chopped off and stuffed into his fucking mouth, because that is EXACTLY what he is saying is perfectly legal! To legally prevaricate legally like this, when we are literally talking about mutilating the gentles of female children, is fucking unbelievable.
There is not parley with this. There is no negotiating a middle ground or compromise of any sort. You shoot mother fuckers who do this to children. If the religious practice was cannibalism, you fucking arrest them and execute them. In this case it's the worst kind of child abuse I can imagine. If the practice was to rape the children at least they would be physically whole. If this were a boy, for the same stated goal, you would chop off his dick so he had no sexual desire and would remain chaste. No civilized people have done this for hundreds of years. It's completely barbaric and must be stamped out completely. All involved must be prosecuted for the most egregious child abuse to the absolute extent of the law.
I cannot believe this is happening in America. I just want to punch any fucktard liberal in the face who claims this is Islamophobia, or that laws specifically stating Sharia is illegal are somehow racist! Where the fuck are the feminists? Silence. Nothing could prove what emptiness lies in modern feminism than their silence on this horrible child abuse. Fuck them!
I am so mad right now I can't stand it.