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Felony trespassing? Is that what folks get locked up for now?


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member

We all knew there was no "Insurrection."

So how do the fake news and fake politicians and fake 'revolutionaries' and fake charges... now handle the fact that under scrutiny, a few folks 'might' have trespassed.

And I'd argue that 'walking through the halls of the Capitol (OUR building) is NOT trespassing. But entering offices and stealing souvenirs probably 'is' trespassing. Or worse? But not locked up without trial for 4 years... worse.

Trespassing... well, we all knew it. DIdn't we?

So... what happens now? My guess is that the 'trespassers' stay locked up on false charges until something changes other than a SCOTUS decision. I doubt they have the power to require release of American political prisoners.

On the other hand... and here is something to consider. Pelosi and the Xiden thugs have now set a precedent. That political opponents can be locked up without trial for years. Merely if charged with something... bad sounding. So a new DoJ with a solid AG... Who is pro-American... could theoretically order the arrest and imprisonment of anyone who appears to have staged an 'insurrection' between 2017 and 2021. That list is long. That list includes a lot of people who are 'known' to have done some 'insurrectiony-things.' Faking evidence. Paying witnesses. Lawfare. Spying. Stealing elections. Defying military orders from civilian chain of command. All in the name of bringing down a sitting, duly-elected President. Which, if I read my Websters right, is the 'actual' definition of an insurrection.

ASGH... but precedents work both ways. Best way to avoid precedent-setting is to release all the J6 'trespassers' with an apology (and probably a big payout)... .and say "This should never have happened."

Because payback is a bitch. And can be used by both sides. Not that we should descend to that in America. We are better than that. But if that is the tactic being used against Americans. By communists, foreign powers and, well, insurrectionists with big financial backers and dreams of socialist paradises.

And it's time it works both ways.


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Who does the Capitol building belong to? It should be the US citizens because it was paid for by tax dollars. Walking through the halls should in no way be trespassing. The offices should be different but not a felony. Stealing from those offices should be held to the same standards as shop lifting.
But think of the brave hero’s who went to these trespassers homes with tanks and machine guns. They may have even written some traffic tickets in route . That’s the story we should be sharing!
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I don't think you guys have ever been to DC!!! For god sakes it's a total lock down of every building, museum that is Federal. You cannot enter without bag searches or giving up your "citizen" rights because it's a "security" situation, even at the Smithsonian, or any museum and the Treasury or the Library of Congress it's all the same. And guess who 90% of the armed security are?? Yep 13% fat and female if that gives you any idea. So you think the Capitol is the peoples building?? You need to have your head examined...........
I have to call the sheriff every now and then for trespassers. They don't do Jack Shit about it. They run them off and say don't come back, but as far as arrests or court. Don't count on it. They say it's too much paper work and the courts won't do anything any way. Plus they are so far behind and jammed up with drug cases, a tresspass case just gets thrown out.

I have to call the sheriff every now and then for trespassers. They don't do Jack Shit about it. They run them off and say don't come back, but as far as arrests or court. Don't count on it. They say it's too much paper work and the courts won't do anything any way. Plus they are so far behind and jammed up with drug cases, a tresspass case just gets thrown out.

And traffic tickets - don’t forget the important stuff . $9 billion in revenue dont just write itself