Few question's on the .22 cal


Full Member
Sep 20, 2010
Sierra Vista AZ
Hey guys,

Few questions to run past the minds on here

1. Looking to get a .22LR that I will run suppressed for backyard varmints. Though I want it too be accurate for the range. Ive been looking at the CZ 455/452 models and from reading on here guys seem to like them. Also lots of guys talk about the Ruger 10/22's as well. Is one better then the other as far as accuracy? Also will the 10/22 function with subsonic loads for a can?

2. Also found a CZ .22 Mag that looks and feels nice. Clearly a little extra power to knock down a little bigger things for the backyard. Though anyone run them suppressed? If so how did it do? From what I read with the sonic boom its like shooting a .223 suppressed. Does that sound about right?

3. For what I'm looking to do with the rifle anyone have any suggestions I should look into other then what I mentioned?

Thanks Bitter
Re: Few question's on the .22 cal

1. I would look at the CZ before the Ruger as I feel the CZ is a better overall value. The American IIRC already has a threaded barrel. Accuracy wise at "back yard ranges" (50yds or less?) both are comparable. I can't speak for the Ruger's ability to properly cycle with standard or sub sonic ammo as I don't own one, but I don't think you would have any issues with standard velocity ammo. Bolt action vs semi is a decision you need to make for yourself based on your intended application(s).

2. Which suppressor are you running? Not all .22 cans are rated for .22WMR. Yes, because the .22WMR's muzzle velocity is 2200fps you will get a crack (sonic boom).

3. Possibly Marlin or Savage dependent on your budget.
Re: Few question's on the .22 cal


Thank you I will def look into the American IIRC. The back yard range is top 100 yards, mainly 50 yards plus or minus though. And I am leaning towards Bolt anyways since it will be similar to my target/hunting rifles.

SWR and I checked the can is rated for mag.

Would you take a CZ over Savage/Marlin or vise versa
Re: Few question's on the .22 cal

CZ would be my preference. You may not appreciate the difference until you really get into this, but I think in the long run you'llb be happy. However, the Savage Mark II line is excellent and what I use currently, though not suppressed.
Re: Few question's on the .22 cal

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bitter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Bunsen

Thank you I will def look into the American IIRC. The back yard range is top 100 yards, mainly 50 yards plus or minus though. And I am leaning towards Bolt anyways since it will be similar to my target/hunting rifles.

SWR and I checked the can is rated for mag.

Would you take a CZ over Savage/Marlin or vise versa </div></div>

I personally would spend the extra money for the fit and finish on a CZ. CZ's have the fit and finish I would expect on a centerfire rifle. Savage and Marlin's look like just simple rimfire rifles. Although accuracy wise they are not significantly different from a CZ with quality ammo. I personally cannot stand the Accu trigger so keep that in mind when considering a Savage, although Savage does offer some models with threaded barrels. A Rifle Basix trigger is $90 for a Savage.

A lot depends on your budget, personal preferences, and availability. The CZ 452's are no longer manufactured or readily available. Bud's and Whittakers would be my first places to look for a CZ and a wealth of information can be found at the CZ/Brno forum on Rimfire Central.

Good luck and beware of potential rimfire addiction. I bought my first CZ in June 2011 and in a little over a year now have a second CZ, Win 52B, and Anz 64MPR. The good news is to shoot them is relatively inexpensive when compared to centerfire, and I shoot them A LOT!!
Re: Few question's on the .22 cal

I just picked up a cz 452 with the threaded barrel from cheaper than mud (close). Note the threads are European but DIP make a screw on thread converter.
Re: Few question's on the .22 cal

Thaks for the info guys

My local gun shop has the 452 .22 mag and the 455 .22 alomng with one other .17 CZ.
DFOOSKING IYO what is the most accurate rifle .22 Cal

Im leaning towards the CZ models since Ive heard a lot of good things about them in general and now on here. I have a buddy who can thread my barrel for me so that part is not a issue. Plus still waiting on ATF guys to give me the Tax Stamp as well. Got to love the waiting game.

Bunsen that is another reason why I am looking into the rimfire Long Arms its a lot cheaper to light off vs a .308 round.
Re: Few question's on the .22 cal

I have fired standard velocity .22 (CCI Green Tag, Remington "Eley") through my Ruger 10/22 without any problems, but I don't own a suppressor so I don't know how that would affect the cycle of the action.

Personally, putting a "can" on a Ruger 10/22 seems strange. If I were to go to the expense of suppressing a .22 rifle, I would add a 150-200 dollars and buy a more expensive bolt gun myself. JMHO.
Re: Few question's on the .22 cal

dude yeah, I've got both a 10/22 and a Savage MKII TR. with the same subsonic bullets, I can get the groups with the savage twice as tight. And as far as being quiet, I don't even wear earpro when I'm shooting the Savage. it sounds like a popgun. The MKII TR cost 200 bucks more, and the TRSR comes with a threaded barrel already, so thats out of the way. I still love that 10/22 though, its a great bird/squirrel gun, and its just so light and handy when walking around in the hills. But hell, if you're just parked in the backyard, you can just get some old 22LR boltgun from the pawn shop, throw a walmart scope on her, and get some CB 22 shorts. no need for a suppressor then.