Re: Final Finish
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: armorpl8chikn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Congrats on reviving this thread from the grave. Some things are best left buried.
Any good barrel maker will void the warranty if you use this shit in their barrels. That really tells me all I need to know, no matter what David Tubb says. If Tubb states that dog shit is the best thing to clean your barrel, there would be a market for fresh dog turds, bagged and ready, in your local gunshop in less than a week. They would be marketed under Tubb Turds brand.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I have used the Tubbs FF .22lr loaded ammo in a factory new Rem 597 auto. Results were unreal. 100yd groups with match ammo shrank by more than 300%.
Factory new? This statement is full of intrigueing questions. You took a factory new barrel and fired some groups and then run FF through it and viola it went from crappy to happy. Guess what. Sometimes new 22 rifles go from crappy to happy ain a few hundred rounds without snake oil.
If I had a 40x I wouldn't put this stuff through the barrel. Most 40X rifles shoot as good as any 22 known to man. My greatest fear in buying used rifles is getting one of these "improved by Tinker McGee" rifles. </div></div>
What is with the nastiness?
Someone asked for opinions from persons with actual experience on the matter- which is me. Everything else is just speculation. If you cannot have a discussion w/o hostility, I do not care to answer your "intriguing questions". I expect the same civilities from people on the internet as I do from someone standing in front of me, and I give the same.
FWIW- I had probably put between 6-800 rounds through that 597, invested a bunch in Volq parts before using the FF product.
If your hi-dollar match gun already shoots well enough, I don't think this "snake-oil" is going to help you. If your gun's accuracy has much to be desired- this product might help you.
-Tinker McGee