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Final: Trump 1 Mexico 0


Tenor in the howler choir
Full Member
Mar 15, 2018
The Most Dangerous City in the USA
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I don't understand you, this is a big win for America and hopefully will stem the tide of this invasion. If you don't vote for Trump and he loses your gonna see what gun grabbing looks like in this country. I know you are itching for civil war, but the rest of us lead decent lives and would prefer not to go down that road till absolutely necessary. Please tell me one gun Trump has grabbed?
Another win it looks like
Would have been better if the idiots in the senate grew a pair
These include the same idiots that think they should be able to hear every word the President said to other world leaders. If they were sharper, they could be in his shoes. Hope the President keeps calling them out and giving them embarrassing nicknames.
Attack them to show their illicit earnings behind their 175 K salaries they get for doing absolutely NOTHING. Question the sanity of Nervous Nancy every chance you get. I think you can make her break.
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bullshit, a year late and a half unmeasurable measure,,, close the fucking border all the way then negotiate,,, fuck them muther fuckers in Mexica and in DC. Trump is a goddam gun grabbing pussy.

What did he grab? Yours? Didi he also collude with the Russians.? Did he piss on the bed that Obama slept in while in Russia? Trump syndrome.
he could have done this in 2016, he could shut down the whole fucking border,,,,,,, he is a gun grabber, he has instituted more gun grabbing laws and unleashed the administrative state on the 2A more than Obama did.... look at his record,,, we went into this presidency with a bill to remove silencers off the unconstitutional NFA list now we are fighting to keep "legal" suppressors,,, you are all being

I wont live to see what gun grabbing looks like and if you have any balls pr honor left you wont either.

I don't understand you, this is a big win for America and hopefully will stem the tide of this invasion. If you don't vote for Trump and he loses your gonna see what gun grabbing looks like in this country. I know you are itching for civil war, but the rest of us lead decent lives and would prefer not to go down that road till absolutely necessary. Please tell me one gun Trump has grabbed?
Reagan, banned the manufacture of MGs for civilians, Bushes passed all kinds of anyti gun laws , didnt do anything to make them any less onerous,,, I hate to break the news to you but the repubs have not done a goddam thing for the 2A, they have done as much harm as the Dems... dont be played

Facts are facts, Trump has already restricted the 2A more than Obama.

We have lost more gun rights under Repub's than Demo's
bullshit, a year late and a half unmeasurable measure.....

In fairness, the pres is probably trying to find some idea that he can implement that doesn’t immediately get challenged in court by some liberal judge standing at the ready to continue the pres’ misery.

I might not agree with everything he has done (heck, I don’t always agree with everything I do), or everything he says/tweets, but I actually feel somewhat sorry for the guy.....he has been buffeted every single minute of his presidency......some justly, but most unjustly.
he is his own branch he is not subservient to the courts. he is there to administer the executive state as laid out by congress not the goddam courts.

He has one job and he has failed at it,,, he now has enough maids for his hotels and is now trying to look like he is doing something,,, he is a lying deceitful gun grabbing pussy.
Firstly @79steeler very few people in this country lead as good a life as me, I've been lucky.

Secondly the people itching for a war are already conducting that war against your liberty and your Constitution. You can forsake your kids and the next generation of Americans while you live in the lap of comfortisim, I choose not to turn a blind eye and leave my generation and the prior generations mess for my kids and grand kids to clean up...

Dont let the next generation live as slaves , its that simple.

A bit of a cowardly statement from you really.

I know you are itching for civil war, but the rest of us lead decent lives and would prefer not to go down that road till absolutely necessary. Please tell me one gun Trump has grabbed?
Firstly @79steeler very few people in this country lead as good a life as me, I've been lucky.

Secondly the people itching for a war are already conducting that war against your liberty and your Constitution. You can forsake your kids and the next generation of Americans while you live in the lap of comfortisim, I choose not to turn a blind eye and leave my generation and the prior generations mess for my kids and grand kids to clean up...

Dont let the next generation live as slaves , its that simple.

A bit of a cowardly statement from you really.

Most of us are already slaves. We have to work and pay like 40% taxes...
It natural to grieve loss but I suggest taking real inventory of the situation and the writing on the wall. This isn’t 1776 where everyone had a common thread of belief that held them together.

DC is not going to be wrestled out of the hands of the world bankers. They took it decades ago. And now that the infrastructure is in place to feed all the masses the bankers want to instigate bloody turmoil and then place all nations under a single authority. Problem, crisis, solution. It is the running playbook.

They actually want you killing each other so that all are so disinfranchised with the world that they beg for a solution. Not being thier cannon fodder would be my suggestion. Don’t serve their purpose thinking that it is yours.

If not already there, consider selling your shit and putting stakes in the ground some place where the sphere of influence is naturally diminished. Somewhere where there is a common thread of belief and value again. Put your line there. Tell people the Truth.
There is no where to run and reform. That was not really my point.

None are gettting out of the shit sandwich being served. But there will be some corners of the sandwich with a little less shit.

My bigger point is not jumping into the fray with offensive intentions to fullfil someone else’s fantasy believing that you’re serving yourself. Defense is a whole nother story.
he could have done this in 2016, he could shut down the whole fucking border,,,,,,, he is a gun grabber, he has instituted more gun grabbing laws and unleashed the administrative state on the 2A more than Obama did.... look at his record,,, we went into this presidency with a bill to remove silencers off the unconstitutional NFA list now we are fighting to keep "legal" suppressors,,, you are all being

I wont live to see what gun grabbing looks like and if you have any balls pr honor left you wont either.

AJ, No disrespect intended, however I can't find where the bill to remove silencers (suppressors) from the NFA (already unconstitutional) went across his desk. I beleive it was either held up by the Senate (republican [RINO] controlled) or the House (republican [RINO] controlled).
Yeah P squared he only had the house and the senate for 2 years, two massive budget and spending increases that would make Obama blush , he had the power to insist Ryan/ McConnell bring it across his desk and instead focused on tax cuts, giving Hilary a pass letting in another 5 million illegals.

He is a cowardly salesman, a PT Barnum, where is his list of things promised that he aint advertising anymore,,,

Hilary walks free, fucking walking free, not one investigation into her scam of a clinton foundation, not one investigation into the various IRS offenses against the citizenry.

FBI CIA are getting away with an attempted coup and take over of the republic and he does nothing, not a fucking thing.

Border wide open, 20 million illegals insside our country collecting welfare swamping our schools, medical, he does nothing,,, goddam 11 businesses charged with hiring illegals last two years.. he is a goddam scammer, a pure and simple NYC bullshitting POS

Nobody in the DC swamp going to jail for the massive amount of crimes being committed by them even to this very day.
Yeah P squared he only had the house and the senate for 2 years, two massive budget and spending increases that would make Obama blush , he had the power to insist Ryan/ McConnell bring it across his desk and instead focused on tax cuts, giving Hilary a pass letting in another 5 million illegals.

He is a cowardly salesman, a PT Barnum, where is his list of things promised that he aint advertising anymore,,,

Hilary walks free, fucking walking free, not one investigation into her scam of a clinton foundation, not one investigation into the various IRS offenses against the citizenry.

FBI CIA are getting away with an attempted coup and take over of the republic and he does nothing, not a fucking thing.

Border wide open, 20 million illegals insside our country collecting welfare swamping our schools, medical, he does nothing,,, goddam 11 businesses charged with hiring illegals last two years.. he is a goddam scammer, a pure and simple NYC bullshitting POS

Nobody in the DC swamp going to jail for the massive amount of crimes being committed by them even to this very day.

You forgot him actually appointing more of the swamp in some cases and that 20 mil number is only the ones we know of. Truth be told they’ve admitted they really have no idea how many are here illegally.
Let's see Mexico keep the deal now.
I think they have limited options otherwise Trump would have to say see Mexico is paying for the wall. I was hoping they would do nothing. All the previous presidents and mostly Congress are at fault they own it. Fix the problem (immigration) but given the record they will Fuck it up I'm sure. Trump didn't create any of the problems. To all the Hillary & Bernie lovers out there I still think Trump is the best we have deal with it. Jesus Christ could have been elected and you would still be bitching like little girls. Could be worse vote him out if you don't like him so far I'll take his statistics over any president.
Firstly @79steeler very few people in this country lead as good a life as me, I've been lucky.

Secondly the people itching for a war are already conducting that war against your liberty and your Constitution. You can forsake your kids and the next generation of Americans while you live in the lap of comfortisim, I choose not to turn a blind eye and leave my generation and the prior generations mess for my kids and grand kids to clean up...

Dont let the next generation live as slaves , its that simple.

A bit of a cowardly statement from you really.

I said till absolutely necessary Jerry. When push comes to shove I will be there, trust and believe. I would rather die fighting for the Constitution then from cancer or a heart attack. I've been prepairing for the worst. I just think Trump is all we got. After him it's gonna all go to hell. Have you seen the socialist morons and outright treasonous scum the other side has to offer?
I think Bush signing the Patriot Act into law was a very big nail in the coffin of the loss of rights and freedoms.

The "Patriot Act" was all written and ready, just waiting for the right "Event"
Bush was used to get all the "Patriotic", "Conservative" and "Righteous type" to let it slip on by because "protecting us from evil Muslims" and if you don't agree with the "patriot" act well you must be "unpatriotic"......

Then after he had done his job, it's real purpose of spying on and controlling the country was put into full use openly by the next administration.

Watch long enough and you'll see supporters of each "Side" get played in turn to help the Deep State increase their power and control.

You'll eventually understand why many regard both political parties as simply folks on different sides of the tennis court at the same country club and you are not invited in...
waiting for a signature just like obama care,..... and trump continues sighning the same orders and laws into effect every year every time he signs the budget... its going to take a bloody and violent change to get things back under the umbrella of the Constitution.. these fuckers are fighting back hard already,, I am suspecting they subverted Trump already and thats the reason he is a pussy.
It natural to grieve loss but I suggest taking real inventory of the situation and the writing on the wall. This isn’t 1776 where everyone had a common thread of belief that held them together.

DC is not going to be wrestled out of the hands of the world bankers. They took it decades ago. And now that the infrastructure is in place to feed all the masses the bankers want to instigate bloody turmoil and then place all nations under a single authority. Problem, crisis, solution. It is the running playbook.

They actually want you killing each other so that all are so disinfranchised with the world that they beg for a solution. Not being thier cannon fodder would be my suggestion. Don’t serve their purpose thinking that it is yours.

If not already there, consider selling your shit and putting stakes in the ground some place where the sphere of influence is naturally diminished. Somewhere where there is a common thread of belief and value again. Put your line there. Tell people the Truth.

To be honest, you don't understand the chess game going on right now. It's really simple: globalists have never dealt with truly free, armed citizens.

Everywhere else they've won they've won because the citizenry was literally powerless to physically kill the oppressors.

Not so here.
Ok Negative Nancys. Here’s why this is good. The left was going berserk over his threats of tariffs. They said the stock market was going to crash (it went up). They said the economy would tank (employment numbers are down because there no one left). This makes their heads explode. That why I like it. Not because it’s so fantastic, but because it drives the people I hate crazy. That’s all. Doesn’t matter what it is in reality. Anything that hurts the commies or makes them sad makes me happy.
Ok Negative Nancys. Here’s why this is good. The left was going berserk over his threats of tariffs. They said the stock market was going to crash (it went up). They said the economy would tank (employment numbers are down because there no one left). This makes their heads explode. That why I like it. Not because it’s so fantastic, but because it drives the people I hate crazy. That’s all. Doesn’t matter what it is in reality. Anything that hurts the commies or makes them sad makes me happy.
You understand the game
There is that.

Ok Negative Nancys. Here’s why this is good. The left was going berserk over his threats of tariffs. They said the stock market was going to crash (it went up). They said the economy would tank (employment numbers are down because there no one left). This makes their heads explode. That why I like it. Not because it’s so fantastic, but because it drives the people I hate crazy. That’s all. Doesn’t matter what it is in reality. Anything that hurts the commies or makes them sad makes me happy.
I am just trying to prepare the marginal orange Cool aide drinkers for the ultimate orange fuckstick being rammed up their ass without Cheetos lube.

The dude is a life long NYC Democrat, he might love America, but its the America he thinks he knows that he loves and that includes ullegal alien labor, not guns, strong militaristic POPO.
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To be honest, you don't understand the chess game going on right now. It's really simple: globalists have never dealt with truly free, armed citizens.

Everywhere else they've won they've won because the citizenry was literally powerless to physically kill the oppressors.

Not so here.

Yep and they are going to let yourselves beat each other into spiritual exhaustion.

It would take whole lot of boots on necks to turn this boat around and I imagine when ones killed to a certain number they begin to become a bit disenchanted with all the killing. Even when its your job or a matter of survival one might start to wonder if it’s worth it.

My larger point is that is right where they want things. A population disenchanted and without a spiritual standard. Begging for peace, security and some assemblance of normalcy.

It is a trap basically. And I’m trying to point that out.
It would take whole lot of boots on necks to turn this boat around and I imagine when ones killed to a certain number they begin to become a bit disenchanted with all the killing. Even when its your job or a matter of survival one might start to wonder if it’s worth it.

Which is why you need more effective ways to eliminate the surplus population.
Nuclear war, Asteroids, Ice Ages, Plagues, starvation turning the cities in on themselves, long term power failures or supply disruptions.
Local warlords, the ideas are limitless. Unfortunately most all of them won't happen easily.

I'm still rooting for a giant asteroid smacking into somewhere around the Atlantic, taking out both sides of the ocean filled with evil and the impact waves setting off Yellowstone and bringing on the next ice age. I think that will take care of everything nicely.