So I've had my Sako Quad since before they were cool. I bought it for a less than $500 and it has since become a money pit that I never expected. It shot very well in factory form but I always try for better in everything so on it went. I bought a Manners stock off another Hide member and then I had to have a bigger better barrel to fill the channel. I called up Paul from Rock Creek and told him what I needed and ended up putting together a group buy and picked up a couple barrels for myself. A 26" 40x taper and a 16" straight taper. Part of the group buy was to have the barrels machined and chambered by Long Rifles Inc. The barrels turned out very nice. I've been shooting it unbedded with the 40x trying various types of ammo and various lots. It shoots pretty well but as always I want better. Now to bedding! We're gonna go with the short barrel for a while too.