Finally did it! (and a question)


Forever a Minuteman
Full Member
Dec 29, 2018
This is a somewhat not so humble brag...and then there is a question.

I located a spot on my buddy's land where I could shoot past 1000 yards. My previous longest hit was at 828 yards. So, I set up my 2/3rds IDPA steel target and moved to 1012 yards. I set up my wind meter, loaded my data in Strelok Pro, and took my first shot past 1000 yards. First round hit; I couldn't believe it. I loaded my second round...Hit. I realized what I had just done and then I proceeded to miss the rest of my shots :D

Part of the problem is that I cannot see my misses. The wind swirls and the land is heavily wooded. Since it is not my land, I cannot build a permanent structure behind the steel target. Any thoughts regarding some sort of temporary backing where I can spot my misses (I'm shooting a 7mm RM)?

I've been wanting to shoot past 1K for a long time and now I am ready to continue to hone my skills.
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Sheet rock isn't a bad idea. Not going to like getting wet, but that's why you buy a bunch of it, hehe.

Plywood erected on each side stapled with white 3-foot roller paper would work too. Plus you could re-apply the paper each session for a clean slate so to speak.

Sheet rock isn't a bad idea. Not going to like getting wet, but that's why you buy a bunch of it, hehe.

Plywood erected on each side stapled with white 3-foot roller paper would work too. Plus you could re-apply the paper each session for a clean slate so to speak.

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For waterproof targets I use Tyvek. I bought a big roll of it and just cut targets out the size I need.

I did load developement in a down pour about a month ago. The target was in the rain for 4 hours and none the worse for wear. I drew the lines with sharpie and used orange dots with clear packing tape over them to keep them dry.
Weedeat or mow the area. Rake it. Then put lime all around. The darker dirt under neath showsup and when it dry you get dust cloud