How do you conceal and what do you want in a gun?
I decided to try the Enigma system, came from carrying a 3" 1911 in a Tier One Axis Slim, also carried it in an Invisituck extreme tuck at times, had Milt Sparks for it etc... I don't cheap out on holsters.
Anyways, now I carry a WCP 320 Carry with the 21 round mag in this Enigma system, it's crazy comfortable and I can conceal this thing with a tucked in shirt.
I still have a Tier One AIWB on the way, went Aegis Elite this time, really just for the hell of it. Also have Tier One's strong side, though that ain't going great, tried about 10,000 different configurations and it still isn't worthwhile but I'm still working on it.
But this Enigma system makes carrying fuller size guns cake, I get my slide is the carry 3.9" but the slide isn't the worry, I have the full-size Wilson grip which has a bit of mag flare on the end as well, and I also have the long 21 round mag in it.
You don't need to remove it to go to the bathroom, you don't need a belt on your pants if you don't want, wear jogging shorts if that's your thing. So you can go from suit wearing job duty to Jogger shorts and a Tshirt and run the same carry rig, you don't need to shrink down the gun or pocket carry or whatever to suit the activity.
I sound like a fangirl, but the thing just hit magic level when I first put it on, threw in my 320 with the 21 round mag, tucked my undershirt in, "just to see," and saw that it disappeared. With a light cotton T shirt, from 8+1 to 21+1 just like that, that was my introduction into how my 320 would carry vs my 1911... no problem whatsoever and I've got 13 more rounds in this combo.
I tell you, for as much shit as they get, I had the Urban Carry G3 for my 1911 and I liked that too, sure, it was going to cost you a little on draw to first shot, but she's concealed, and it was very comfortable too, great for those "I cannot let my firearm be seen, period," moments. Though this Enigma system does that well enough that I won't even consider the Urban Carry this time.
Don't think I'd have an interest in a small gun now, it is just a big WHY, when you can completely conceal full size capacity guns. Thought weight of gun hasn't ever bothered me.
I'm 6'1 and about 185/190, so I'm not exactly a huge dude either. So I carry a WCP 320 Carry in the Enigma system, gun has the 21rd mag in it and I carry an extra 21rd mag as well.