Finally, proof!!!!


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
I've been saying for more than 20 years that "Doctors without Borders" is basically a terrorist support organization and that its 'efforts' do little more than prop up corrupt socialist governments and terrorist organizations.

"Oh no... they are such good people," Ba ba ba ba.... say the idiots.

No.... they are activist pieces of shit and what they are 'advocating' has been nothing short of supporting terrorists. In some cases their "we know no borders" 'colleagues' have been members of (or agents for) foreign intelligence services. And terrorists themselves.

Since one of them just got kak'd by Israel... because he was actively fighting for Hamas... suddenly there is some proof out there. Yes, Mr. "Dr. Livingston wannabe" was a member of Islamic Jihad (supported by Iran). And worked extensively on the Hamas rocket program -- actively building rockets. He was an active and practicing... terrorist. Not a doctor. Not without borders (except his stated goal of wanting to destroy Israel's borders... ) He was a terrorist.

Oh and "Doctor?" He was a physical therapist. Yeah, you need a lot of those in front line hospitals... And in terrorist militia HQ units organizing... missile strikes.

Doctors without Borders is a criminal terrorist front organization... and needs to be not only shut down, but their leadership treated like the terror-supporters they are.

Kudos to the sawbones who are putting themselves in the line of fire to help people through 'legitimate' means. But if they sign on with Doctors Without Borders... they have gone from Healer to Terrorist... period.

Most of the UN is terrorists as is our own State Dept. Thus far the pier in Gaza has off loaded close to 2000 tons of supplies that no UN sponsored aid group has distributed.

Why? Because if they feed, cloth or house them it will end the crisis and they feel it will help Israel. So Hamas takes what they need free of charge and the rest gets looted.

Even the Red Cross/ Red Cresent actively aids terrorists in most wars.