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Fieldcraft Find the sniper...

Re: Find the sniper...

If you were just taking a leisurly stroll and that many people popped out of the ground in front of you what would you do? I think i'd shit myself from just seeing one guy stand up but wow I can't even imagine...
Re: Find the sniper...

had something close to this happen once.me and a friend were mountian biking in the black hills by sturgis sd and almost road over the top of a guy and his son turkey hunting.startled me so bad i wrecked good then i couldnt stop laughing at how stupid it was.
Re: Find the sniper...

When I was in and General Gray did the USMC Birthday Speech, he gave the presentation and then at the end, said something to the effect of, if you don't believe me ask these guys motioning over his shoulder, and a dozen or so snipers stood up...
Re: Find the sniper...

I was in the Corps then too and I remember when Gen Gray banned shorts and running shoes for PT from all bases for boots and utiliites along with the quarterly humps. It was nice to see the office pogues humping until they all fell out in the first 3 miles and got to ride in the truck.
Re: Find the sniper...

Sounds like I would of liked Gen. Gray........ I got bitched out on more then one occasion by pog officers for running down river road in boots utes flak and gas mask passing entire platoons pt'ing in the morning
Re: Find the sniper...

@ 11 seconds, the center of the camera, their is a white tree that slants off on a right angle, off the left side of the tree, you can see a face move up and down slowly, if you look for it.

That is damned good watching!
Re: Find the sniper...

that is impresive those guy's have concelment down pat.had to watched the clip seven times and could only spot 4 snipers wasn't expecting a platoon size engagment there.did a excercise like that once, in a seemingly empty field for some close friends they where suprised to the fact that i was only 25yds away from them and they couldn't see me.untill my wife told me to stop fooling around and stand up already....
Re: Find the sniper...

HAHA like said above i thought it was going to be a video where the guy is sitting behind a thick bush, or one of those videos where the quality is so low you cant tell the difference between a bush and a rock... just wish the camera dude was slower and not as shakey