Finding out about all this Riflery at Range


Jun 3, 2023
Lafayette, Louisiana
Hi to the Hide!

I'd sure like to dip my feet into this precision rifle shooting stuff. I attended an "outlaw" style match as an observer, and a kind shooter let me put a few rounds out to more than 3 times further than I've ever shot before. Intoxicating, plus really like matches a form of shooting.

I've been doing a lot of pistol and carbine, and I was a clays shooter earlier in life- but even those few shots that I took are enough to tell me that I'm back to being a complete and total newbie all over again. I picked up Mr. Cleckner's book, and my gunsmitih has pointed me to the Hide. I'm real tempted to start with a "trainer rifle" bolt gun- I have an 11 year old nephew who I would love to introduce to the shooting sports, and this could be something that'd we'd learn how to do together.

I've got a 14.5" AR with an LPVO. I've been told that the heavyweight 5.56mm at 300 meters and out is a whole other world to experience from the 55gr stuff at 200 yards and in. My plan is to shoot my AR when are where and how I can (it'll teach me what I don't want have, lol). and get a trainer built for me and the boy. Then, once budgets and timing allow, actually get a reasonable rifle to really get after it with. I could at least show up to the matches with a rifle I'd be willing to shoot. I once showed up to a 3gun match with a .35 Whelen and good intentions.

I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts and impressions!

While I usually loathe FaceBook, for this I'll make an exception. Which groups should I introduce myself to?

Last bit- I always hear from the talented people how they're conducing their physical-visual follow through, managing recoil and seeing-feeling all sorts of stuff. That rifle I shot was a dream and half of excellent, but I felt like everything about my recoil management was inadequate and that so much happened visually that was both quicker and more surprising than I expected. How do ya'll process? How do I best find a process to start?
