West Milford council votes 5-0 to turn town into a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary where the rights of lawful gun owners will not be infringed upon further. This is the first of it's kind in the State of New Jersey, home to some of the MOST draconian anti-gun legislations in the entire United States. In current NJ law, firearms owners must obtain a mandatory FOID (Firearm Owner Identification Card) before they are allowed to purchase or own even long guns and ammunition. Other mandatory checks and waiting periods as well as strict firearms/ammunition storage procedures also apply. Minor violations can result in permanent revocation of FOIDs. The state's virulent opposition of effective community defense policies, policing, and fostering of an armed citizen body has resulted in urban centers plagued with uncontrolled gang violence and staggering crime rates. NJ hunting legislation also forbids the use of crossbows and some types of bow aiming aids while on state game land. The state's anti-hunting political stance, relying instead on expensive and wholly ineffective alternatives like trapping, spaying, and neutering, have also led to ecological emergencies in the past, such as the influx of bears and other predators into residential and farm areas, as well as skyrocketing deer populations that devastated forests and agricultural land. Muzzleloading and single shot weapons are also subject to the same laws the govern modern handguns, rifles, and shotguns. This latest 2A Sanctuary resolution, though not as fierce and directly challenging as Virginia's spectacular response in the past month, shows that New Jersey's hard working citizens have had enough of the discrimination and smearing tactics used by the leftist statists to vilify and discourage an armed and self reliant population.
It is everyone's hope that the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary movement will grow to encompass the entire nation.
“We’re just letting the community know we are a gun-friendly, Second Amendment-positive township,” McGuinness said.
Much kudos to you and your fellow townsmen who have worked to ratify this resolution, but there is much, much more work to be done in the miles ahead of you. Just know that the rest of the Patriot movement in this country ARE aware of your efforts and that we are 100% committed in giving you assistance for those efforts.
West Milford council votes 5-0 to turn town into a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary where the rights of lawful gun owners will not be infringed upon further. This is the first of it's kind in the State of New Jersey, home to some of the MOST draconian anti-gun legislations in the entire United States. In current NJ law, firearms owners must obtain a mandatory FOID (Firearm Owner Identification Card) before they are allowed to purchase or own even long guns and ammunition. Other mandatory checks and waiting periods as well as strict firearms/ammunition storage procedures also apply. Minor violations can result in permanent revocation of FOIDs. The state's virulent opposition of effective community defense policies, policing, and fostering of an armed citizen body has resulted in urban centers plagued with uncontrolled gang violence and staggering crime rates. NJ hunting legislation also forbids the use of crossbows and some types of bow aiming aids while on state game land. The state's anti-hunting political stance, relying instead on expensive and wholly ineffective alternatives like trapping, spaying, and neutering, have also led to ecological emergencies in the past, such as the influx of bears and other predators into residential and farm areas, as well as skyrocketing deer populations that devastated forests and agricultural land. Muzzleloading and single shot weapons are also subject to the same laws the govern modern handguns, rifles, and shotguns. This latest 2A Sanctuary resolution, though not as fierce and directly challenging as Virginia's spectacular response in the past month, shows that New Jersey's hard working citizens have had enough of the discrimination and smearing tactics used by the leftist statists to vilify and discourage an armed and self reliant population.
It is everyone's hope that the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary movement will grow to encompass the entire nation.
N.J. town declares itself a sanctuary for 2nd Amendment. ‘We’re gun-friendly.’
West Milford approves a resolution declaring itself a “Second Amendment/Lawful gun owner sanctuary township."
“We’re just letting the community know we are a gun-friendly, Second Amendment-positive township,” McGuinness said.
Much kudos to you and your fellow townsmen who have worked to ratify this resolution, but there is much, much more work to be done in the miles ahead of you. Just know that the rest of the Patriot movement in this country ARE aware of your efforts and that we are 100% committed in giving you assistance for those efforts.
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