First off, thanks to everyone on this awesome forum for all their helpful information. I've been doing a lot of homework, and am getting closer to picking a rifle, but have a couple questions.
I've always enjoyed shooting as a kid (be it bb gun, paintball) and more importantly precision shooting, but didn't really grow up around firearms (SoCal). That said, the limited number of times I've had the chance to fire rifles or handguns, I've really enjoyed it. Just went shooting with my brother, had the chance to fire his 10/22, and really enjoyed it, so it is time to get my own rifle.
I've decided I want a precision rifle. Initially I started looking into Remington 700... but have since decided that for an entry level gun, with cheep ammo, I should probably look to a 22lr. That sound smart?
Assuming 22lr is the way to go, I've kind of narrowed it down to a couple guns, naturally the Savage Mark II and the CZ 452 (with the outside chance of a used Anschutz). I'm a big believer in buy once, cry once, but the Anschutz may be much more than I need to start off with. On top of that, one of the better used Anschutz out there is a 1710D KL (~$1000) with the monte carlo stock, and I don't see a lot of info out there about putting a bipod on that stock (i'd mostly like to shoot prone).
So back to Savage v. CZ... My biggest question is the barrel. Am I better off looking for one of these guns with a heavy barrel? Looks like people are mixed on whether that really makes a difference in the accuracy of a 22... but it should better replicate the feel of a larger rifle, if I end up stepping up to a 700p or Savage 10, right? It pretty much will be used exclusively at a range.
So assuming heavy barrel, that would pit the Savage TR against the CZ 452 Varmint. Between the two, I'm starting to lean toward the CZ, but it is very very close. I like the look of the Savage, but from my reading it seems that the CZ may be built a bit better. I'm a fan of the tacticool stock, but I could always put a Boyd on the CZ and get that look/feel. I've found a couple used CZs nearby, but they are the Special and the Style, neither of which is heavy barreled. I do like the thought of buying used in case my interest fizzles out and I end up selling the gun.
I think my ideal gun (not including the Annie) would be a CZ Varmint with a Boyd tacticool stock... followed closely by the Savage Mark II TR. Would it be a big step down from either of those to get a lighter barreled version of the CZ or Mark II and add a tacticool stock, or am I better off sticking with the heavy stocked versions?
Just was hoping to get some feedback on some of these options. Thanks again for all your help, and i look forward to hearing back!
I've always enjoyed shooting as a kid (be it bb gun, paintball) and more importantly precision shooting, but didn't really grow up around firearms (SoCal). That said, the limited number of times I've had the chance to fire rifles or handguns, I've really enjoyed it. Just went shooting with my brother, had the chance to fire his 10/22, and really enjoyed it, so it is time to get my own rifle.
I've decided I want a precision rifle. Initially I started looking into Remington 700... but have since decided that for an entry level gun, with cheep ammo, I should probably look to a 22lr. That sound smart?
Assuming 22lr is the way to go, I've kind of narrowed it down to a couple guns, naturally the Savage Mark II and the CZ 452 (with the outside chance of a used Anschutz). I'm a big believer in buy once, cry once, but the Anschutz may be much more than I need to start off with. On top of that, one of the better used Anschutz out there is a 1710D KL (~$1000) with the monte carlo stock, and I don't see a lot of info out there about putting a bipod on that stock (i'd mostly like to shoot prone).
So back to Savage v. CZ... My biggest question is the barrel. Am I better off looking for one of these guns with a heavy barrel? Looks like people are mixed on whether that really makes a difference in the accuracy of a 22... but it should better replicate the feel of a larger rifle, if I end up stepping up to a 700p or Savage 10, right? It pretty much will be used exclusively at a range.
So assuming heavy barrel, that would pit the Savage TR against the CZ 452 Varmint. Between the two, I'm starting to lean toward the CZ, but it is very very close. I like the look of the Savage, but from my reading it seems that the CZ may be built a bit better. I'm a fan of the tacticool stock, but I could always put a Boyd on the CZ and get that look/feel. I've found a couple used CZs nearby, but they are the Special and the Style, neither of which is heavy barreled. I do like the thought of buying used in case my interest fizzles out and I end up selling the gun.
I think my ideal gun (not including the Annie) would be a CZ Varmint with a Boyd tacticool stock... followed closely by the Savage Mark II TR. Would it be a big step down from either of those to get a lighter barreled version of the CZ or Mark II and add a tacticool stock, or am I better off sticking with the heavy stocked versions?
Just was hoping to get some feedback on some of these options. Thanks again for all your help, and i look forward to hearing back!