Hi guys, I've been dealing with a first shot flyer out of my Savage MkII 22lr rimfire. The gun shoots very very well after that first shot, thing is the flyer is nearly always .4 to .6 mills to the left of my POA. All subsequent shots land within a pretty tight group of my poa. If I keep on the trigger and am fast with the magazine reloads the first shot flyer isn't present but if I take more than a minute to reload my magazine, the gun will shoot that same first shot flyer to the left of center about .5ish mills. What gives? Any tips to combat this other than holding a half mill off center?
It wouldn't bother me much except I use this gun to take care of 13 lined ground squirrel problems around the property and having a funky cold bore is really upsetting. I shoot a 308, 65creed, 223, and65x47 none of which have a first shot flyer. I've cleaned the barrel and even bronze brushed it really heavily also used MC7 bore cleaner. Still shoots that first shot to the left.
It wouldn't bother me much except I use this gun to take care of 13 lined ground squirrel problems around the property and having a funky cold bore is really upsetting. I shoot a 308, 65creed, 223, and65x47 none of which have a first shot flyer. I've cleaned the barrel and even bronze brushed it really heavily also used MC7 bore cleaner. Still shoots that first shot to the left.