Sterling Shooter

Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Jun 10, 2004
Louisville, Kentucky
I just stocked a few of these at the store where I work part-time. What does this rifle do better than an M4? I see that free float barrels of various lengths can be quickly fitted; and, the concept appears to be ambi enough. The adjustable folding stock seems well thought out too. What about accuracy? Any here with experience with the concept?

A buddy of mine has one and I got a chance to shoot it. I have to say that I was impressed. However... I wouldn't pay the extra cash that a SCAR cost when I could have a really nice AR for about half the price.

It is a well thought out rig but it did not shoot or feel any better than an AR, IMHO. I guess that it did not feel any different than the AR is a good thing given how fimilar most folks are with the AR.

the quick change barrel system is the only real reason for the rifle. also the piston gas system. it you look at AR systems that have both of those features on it. the cost is close

i would like to have a scar just to be able to shoot different calibers out of one set up. i do this right now with my AR but you get to much money tied up in each upper with all the shit you have to put on them to make them the same.

i think the rifle has a place. but not just a replacement for a good old M4.

I think the XCR and the SCAR is a good comparison. I would find it pretty hard for the SCAR to be 2k better than the XCR. Now that the XCR has addressed the trigger, Im not sure the SCAR is better at all. There are some features on that weapon I find it difficult to accept.

hopefully when the bushy ACR comes out in about 50 years, it will be my new Toy, other than that the SCAR has not impressed me, my buddy has one, he spent $3899 to get one... its a nice gun but a little heavy, almost bulky for some reason to me, dunno why, and just didnt feel that great to me. thats alot of money for something "they" have. ill keep my Stag and save up for the ACR. btw the Rob arms XCR is a nice rifle, but have seen it tends to jam from time to time.

Only on break in but thats a whole nuther discussion

Most of the reviews I've seen are that it's big but light.

IMHO it's a terribly fugly weapon. I really don't like how the user is stuck with that stubby little railed forarm. But fugly can become beauty if it performs as advertised.

I too look forward to the ACR if we ever get it. I really think Magpul has the potential to have made the true sucessor to the AR-15 by fixing the complaints of the AR while keeping and improving what makes it so great (ergonomics and modularity). Little seems more fun to me than the idea of an ACR with an AK type lower chambered in 5.45x39.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Starvin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

I too look forward to the ACR if we ever get it. I really think Magpul has the potential to have made the true sucessor to the AR-15 by fixing the complaints of the AR while keeping and improving what makes it so great (ergonomics and modularity). Little seems more fun to me than the idea of an ACR with an AK type lower chambered in 5.45x39.


Basically, you just summed up the XCR, the only differance is that you could actually go buy one right now, it has been out for a few years so I think they got all of the bugs out, and it's about the same price as a nice AR, not double.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sterling Shooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Will the SCAR accept M16 mags? The operator's manual say no. </div></div>

where did ya read that?? im almost 99.6789% positive it does

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: azerious</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sterling Shooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Will the SCAR accept M16 mags? The operator's manual say no. </div></div>

where did ya read that?? im almost 99.6789% positive it does

It's in the FN SCAR 16S operator's manual. It says "no other magazine should be used".

I've got two XCR's and while I would like a SCAR for my collection, I can't really see what it does better than my XCR, other than having FN marked on it.

IF the SCAR's can ever be had at or under $2K I might look at one.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sterling Shooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">They're about $3599.99 as I understand it. </div></div>

This thing is not cheap.....

I was expecting at 2G or lower.....

I think it looks like an abomination personally. The ACR is far more attractive. I just wish the barrel was more substantial. I think it would be more visually appealing. I will probably never own one.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jojunior</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sterling Shooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">They're about $3599.99 as I understand it. </div></div>

This thing is not cheap.....

I was expecting at 2G or lower..... </div></div>
MSRP is around $2600 and I'll bet the price will lower as the year goes on.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: gregsjt</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Starvin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

I too look forward to the ACR if we ever get it. I really think Magpul has the potential to have made the true sucessor to the AR-15 by fixing the complaints of the AR while keeping and improving what makes it so great (ergonomics and modularity). Little seems more fun to me than the idea of an ACR with an AK type lower chambered in 5.45x39.


Basically, you just summed up the XCR, the only differance is that you could actually go buy one right now, it has been out for a few years so I think they got all of the bugs out, and it's about the same price as a nice AR, not double. </div></div>

Not really a summation of the XCR, as far as I'm aware the serialized part is the lower on the XCR which precludes swapping lowers to something that takes mags that don't fit the AR-15 footprint.

I was very excited about the XCR when it was announced (day of the ban sunset). The biggest things that hold me back are the stock (I really wish they'd come up with a SCAR/ACR type stock, the current offerings are very TAPCO) and the worry they'll drop support of it when the going gets rough or they decide to chase something new.

If one came along for a good price I'd probably gobble it up, but with all the options out there these days I'm not going to go out of my way.

You're right, you couldn't use AK mags in the XCR. But, when you said that the ACR addressed the problems of the AR while maintaining its ergonomics and modularity you did describle the XCR. In fact, one could argue that the XCR's ergonomics are better than the AR with the left side charging handle and a better location for the bolt release, just like the ACR.

By the way, Robinson is working on a new stock which should be out later this year. They also make a folding or fixed adapter that would allow the use of any AR stock on the XCR.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kahuna</div><div class="ubbcode-body">They'll accept almost anyone's mags, despite what the manual says, although some PMags don't drop free.

They're going for around $3500 on GB and Sturm...

K </div></div>

Do you own a SCAR? I ask because I just sold mine, and PMags won't work at all in mine. You can't drop (press bolt release) the bolt on any of the 10+ I tried. As far as GB prices, they are now selling for just a little over 3K. Prices are dropping fast.

As for performance. I prefer an AR. Keep in mind this is only my opinion, I'm sure some will disagree. I think it just doesn't bring enough to the table to justify over double the cost. Sure it runs cleaner, and the main reason for a piston, keeps the bolt cool, but even if you're firing 500 rounds a range trip, I doubt it would matter, and I paid $1200 for my Colt, and 3400 for my Scar. $2200 buys a hell of a lot of bolts. Also, in stock configuration against a 6920 with a KAC RAS on it and a front pistol grip, the AR was lighter.

Quick change barrel system? FN will only be selling 16.1 inch barrels as it stands now. Sure there will be aftermarket barrels, but not FN barrels.

The kicker was I could hit faster with my AR at 25 yards, and that sealed the deal for me. Again, I'm not special forces, and I don't foresee any need for that kind of system, so the value to me was low. If I was going to be stuck behind enemy lines with no resources, then the SCAR would definitely start to look very attractive. It has been run through its paces by SOCOM, and all reports are that it passed. I'm not SOCOM, my needs/requirements are different.

Ergos on the AR are better. (I may be biased by familiarity) The only thing I really liked about the SCAR was the failure drill for clearing a doublefeed (which I never experienced). The manual of arms is quite a bit simpler with the scar, and you can get back in the fight faster. (Magpul's B.A.D. will even this score when it comes out though.)This comes at a cost with something I call "Scar scar", which came about from my thumb bleeding where the charging handle would hit as it returned to battery. Sure you can chalk that up to familiarity, or lack there of... but I fire my AR with my support hand pointer finger at the 9 o'clock position pointing at what I'm shooting at, and my thumb up over the top of the barrel. Its a hard habit to break, although I'm sure more time on the scar would have cured me of letting my hand slide back. I installed a KAC pistol grip to use as a reference to keep this from happening, and it did resolve the issue, but I tend to not like forward pistol grips.

Again, this is only my experience. I shot them side by side, and feel the AR outperforms the Scar. Was my small trial run very comprehensive? No. 100 rounds through a Scar is not enough, but with the price difference, it was enough for me to go back to my 6920.

I just went and re-checked again. The problem is there is too much material in this location:


After removing just a little bit of material, that freed up the bolt catch and I was able to cycle normally. Also, what was said about PMags not dropping free was very true. They were damn near wedged in there. I'm sure I could do some PMag widdling and get them all to work, I just don't care that much. I also know Magpul has stated they are coming out with E-Mags, but I already have a lot of PMags so I'm going to stick with them.

Some Scar pics in case anyone is interested. I received funds from my sale today, and will be shipping out tomorrow. If there are any last minute pic requests, I'll try to address them tomorrow before I head down to Fedex.




One last point on the magazines. This is from page 18 of the manual:

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><span style="font-weight: bold">12. Magazine Capacity</span>
The SCAR 16S magazine is unique for the rifle and should not be used in other rifles. No other magazine type should be used in your rifle. The specialized design makes the magazine highly reliable and results in easy maintenance and cleaning.</div></div>

I'll leave that up to you whether it is BS or not. I'll just say that I couldn't tell a difference between it and USGI mags. USGI mags ran fine in mine, for the one 30 rounds string I used it.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Crash01</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kahuna</div><div class="ubbcode-body">They'll accept almost anyone's mags, despite what the manual says, although some PMags don't drop free.

They're going for around $3500 on GB and Sturm...

K </div></div>

Do you own a SCAR? I ask because I just sold mine, and PMags won't work at all in mine. You can't drop (press bolt release) the bolt on any of the 10+ I tried. As far as GB prices, they are now selling for just a little over 3K. Prices are dropping fast.

As for performance. I prefer an AR. Keep in mind this is only my opinion, I'm sure some will disagree. I think it just doesn't bring enough to the table to justify over double the cost. Sure it runs cleaner, and the main reason for a piston, keeps the bolt cool, but even if you're firing 500 rounds a range trip, I doubt it would matter, and I paid $1200 for my Colt, and 3400 for my Scar. $2200 buys a hell of a lot of bolts. Also, in stock configuration against a 6920 with a KAC RAS on it and a front pistol grip, the AR was lighter.

Quick change barrel system? FN will only be selling 16.1 inch barrels as it stands now. Sure there will be aftermarket barrels, but not FN barrels.

The kicker was I could hit faster with my AR at 25 yards, and that sealed the deal for me. Again, I'm not special forces, and I don't foresee any need for that kind of system, so the value to me was low. If I was going to be stuck behind enemy lines with no resources, then the SCAR would definitely start to look very attractive. It has been run through its paces by SOCOM, and all reports are that it passed. I'm not SOCOM, my needs/requirements are different.

Ergos on the AR are better. (I may be biased by familiarity) The only thing I really liked about the SCAR was the failure drill for clearing a doublefeed (which I never experienced). The manual of arms is quite a bit simpler with the scar, and you can get back in the fight faster. (Magpul's B.A.D. will even this score when it comes out though.)This comes at a cost with something I call "Scar scar", which came about from my thumb bleeding where the charging handle would hit as it returned to battery. Sure you can chalk that up to familiarity, or lack there of... but I fire my AR with my support hand pointer finger at the 9 o'clock position pointing at what I'm shooting at, and my thumb up over the top of the barrel. Its a hard habit to break, although I'm sure more time on the scar would have cured me of letting my hand slide back. I installed a KAC pistol grip to use as a reference to keep this from happening, and it did resolve the issue, but I tend to not like forward pistol grips.

Again, this is only my experience. I shot them side by side, and feel the AR outperforms the Scar. Was my small trial run very comprehensive? No. 100 rounds through a Scar is not enough, but with the price difference, it was enough for me to go back to my 6920. </div></div>

Thanks for this infomation. I was wondering about pmags in the scar. You sure saved me some $$$. Ill keep my MSAR 556 for sure now. Thanks again.