Suppressors form 4 e- filing question


Senior lance corporal
Full Member
Nov 27, 2017
first time buyer for a suppressor I purchased a thunderbest 5 from a online dealer not silencer shop and had it shipped to my LGS went in there to do my prints and everything else. They have a silencer shop kiosk where I did my prints and took my picture. They then had me buy my stamp and one shot trust from the silencer shop online after that and they then said I was done. My question is that I don't know where or if they needed to uploaded the thunderbeast to my profile from silencer shop. I asked about it and they said the ATF links the paperwork from the LGS to the silencer kiosk and use the stamp I purchased on there? It kind of seamed like they didn't know what they were really doing either there. I just don't want to end up finding out they didn't do something and I'm stuck waiting a extra few months
It actually is all linked and pretty seamless. AS LONG AS your LGS went into their account and assigned your can from inventory to you. If they did that, it is that easy. The ATF will mail the Form 4 to the LGS.

I do suggest you confirm with the LGS they assigned the can to you.
It actually is all linked and pretty seamless. AS LONG AS your LGS went into their account and assigned your can from inventory to you. If they did that, it is that easy. The ATF will mail the Form 4 to the LGS.

I do suggest you confirm with the LGS they assigned the can to you.
Thank you. If it’s been assigned to me would it show up in my account on silencer shop?
A few weeks ago I bought 3 cans from 2 separate shops, all in stock and both are SilencerShop verified dealers. By the end of the day that I bought the cans, all 3 were showing up under the "My Orders" page of my SilencerShop account.
Thats why I won't bother with anyone but silencer shop for future purchases.
They make it retard easy and seamless.

As said above, should be under my orders
i would have waited cuz of how easy I've heard it is but I found a online store that had the thunderbeast 5 gen 2 in stock so I figured I'd order one cuz who knows how long it would have been waiting on silencer shop to have them in stock
i would have waited cuz of how easy I've heard it is but I found a online store that had the thunderbeast 5 gen 2 in stock so I figured I'd order one cuz who knows how long it would have been waiting on silencer shop to have them in stock

Last I heard, TBACs wait is upwards of 18months or something like that, pretty sure that's just to get the serial # too.
Just a update for everyone I called silencer shop. They said that the LGS hasn't uploaded it to my account yet so basically nothing has happened yet with my paperwork. Then called the LGS and they uploaded it finally to my silencer shop account so now the start has began 3 weeks latter then it should have been. and to make things worse my thunderbeast is part of the recall :(