Bought a Forster case trimmer many years ago and never used it. Fast forward to today and I'm trimming Lapua 6.5CM brass. Cases are getting damaged- there seems to be two rings being placed into the neck. One is clearly because the pilot was rubbing right where it goes from chamfered to full diameter which is easy to diagnose. The other ring is happening where the neck meets the shoulder... which is behind the pilot. I've no idea how that is happening. The issue is that this second ring at the shoulder is raised so the 0.005" undersized pilot will not pass.
Pretty much all the cases I trimmed are this way
Anyways, I'm sizing with a Redding Type-S die and the neck bushing does not resize the entire neck. Not sure what could be causing this? I have some other untrimmed brass which I just sized and didn't trim and none of them have either ring. Was planning on polishing the pilot to prevent the first ring from happening, but no idea what I can do to stop the ring at the base of the neck from happening.
Here is a cut case with the pilot. You can clearly see the first ring lining up with the pilot chamfer and the other ring at the base of the neck:
Higher resolution of the necks showing both rings. Note the gouge in the bottom right is most likely from cutting the case with the dremel:
Pretty much all the cases I trimmed are this way
Here is a cut case with the pilot. You can clearly see the first ring lining up with the pilot chamfer and the other ring at the base of the neck:
Higher resolution of the necks showing both rings. Note the gouge in the bottom right is most likely from cutting the case with the dremel: