Freedom Convoy & Freedom School walkouts


Full Member
Oct 31, 2012
Seattle, WA USA
Long time lurker. Hi.
There are positive things happening in our country right now and it needs more momentum. The experiences and attitudes of the membership here is extremely valuable to our country. I am starting to see alinsky's rules for radicals being used for good. Legacy media is dying, parallel economy is growing and Patriots are actively changing our course. There is a need for Patriots to help Americans wake up from all the things that have led to what's happening right now. The telegram threads i participate in are in dire need of strong patriots, who live the Constitution, to spread freedom.

This is a weaponize technology for us type of thread. It is time to let go of facebook, twitter, gettr, youtube, tiktok, and others. Get on (Do not download from app store), signal, vpn, rumble and Gab. Make data more difficult to collect.

I will be livestreaming PNW Patriotic events as much as possible. No Patriot should ever feel alone or distant from current events and technology is the answer. We all have one thing in common, FREEDOM. The only message I am trying to share is Freedom. By avoiding specifics it is harder to be censored, banned, or generally attacked. The USA convoy threads are having a difficult time with a cohesive message. We are fighting for hearts and minds of Americans. The only way We the People win is By the People to restore a more Perfect Union. Won't happen without all of us. One word scares them (pick a thing-deep state, AI, commies, cabal, globalists, WEF, any anti freedom entity ) and that's Freedom. Canada and Australia (Canbarra) are setting a pretty high standard of community for Freedom.

Twitch streams (no bs, just Patriot streams) Will do my best to update when they are live.

Rumble (Live and Vids)
(Livestream in Ottawa)

Telegram Channels Convoy and School Freedom Walkouts

Livestreaming is a wysiwyg thing, and there is a growing standard of honest citizen journalism. These aren't the antifa/blm streams from the summer of love. This is where a cohesive message of Freedom is so important. We are here for FREEDOM and not leaving until FREEDOM improves. See, it works for every single issue, just replace whatever with FREEDOM.

Yes, people are busy with life, but take a moment to think about post-Biden America. Just the current state of the education system tells me that there will be little left of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. Non intl travel passports and social credit will be digital prisons controlling where and when you do a thing, anything.

Nervously looking forward to feedback. I am not social media savvy, post count says what? History is being made, and I am doing all that I can to counter all the things that crush Freedom. Please contribute any and all local events. Can do questions too, I know there is a vetting process for lurkers. No i'm not on the other site, I do watch gd as a metric for propaganda though.

Thank you.
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"Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort."
"In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility, I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own." - JFK
Watching the press conference live on

For informational purposes Canadian truckers are moving their fundraising to bitcoin. And helping other countries set up the same. This will protect their funds from corporate bank and fed bank. Contract goes out tonight, 8% fee. They said trust wallet.
I also posted this in the porta John earlier .

For those interested in the American freedom convoys . The "convoy to DC " has been changed to " the people's convoy "

The Convoy to DC's face book page was nuked by face book , but before it was nuked it had reached 150,000 people in 2 days .
This could be huge .

It will kick off in March
The routes have not been disclosed yet .

Here a a page with different links and ways you can get involved .
Time for everyone (not just the truckers) to put there money where there mouth is and find a way to help.

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It's hard to believe this patriotic and informational thread isn't getting more play to keep it near the top of the subforum at all times.
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This inspiring patriotic woman, Tricia Lindsay, is a former long time teacher and now a civil rights attorney:

I have lost track of how many times I've heard comments on this forum about " when are the truckers going to do something " . "They could do this or that ". "Why don't they step up " blah , blah .
Well they are stepping up !! . And they need your support .
These guys are fixing to drive all the way across the country when deisel is $4 dollars a gallon in rigs that get 6-7 miles per gallon ! And when they get there, they sit and wait with no income . We're 3 weeks into Ottawa with no clue how long they may sit .

Most have no clue at the cost of insurance, truck payment , AND ALL THE DIFFERENT PERMITS THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR AND HAVE FROM THE GOVERNMENT!

They need all of YOU TO STEP UP and support them. It's time to nut up or shut the fuck up !
When the covid started I believed we had 3 ways forward. Communist dictatorship, military dictatorship, or the world stands united against corrupt goverments. I thought the third would be a statistical outlier, and i am rejoicing in how wrong I was.

Keeping govts busy playing whack a mole gives patriots time to share flashlights. To teach Americans to let go of their fear. Govt oppression (overeach, tyrrany, pick a thing most offensive to you) scurries away like a cockroach when you turn a light. Our light is Freedom.

How many times have you/us/we/brothers in arms/Patriots run towards the gunfire, literally and figuratively. Because We the People, For the People. Constitutional mic drop!!
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This is San Francisco school board recall. SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA USA.
75% of Recall Measure voters voted to recall (352147 voters 266754 Yes)
52% of eligible voters (503899 on the books in San Francisco)
40% of gen population(873965 2020 census)
1.20% of eligible voters in the state (22047448 eligible voters on the books)
0.60% of state pop (39538223 2020 census)


Vote where they can't cheat yet.
This is San Francisco school board recall. SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA USA.
75% of Recall Measure voters voted to recall (352147 voters 266754 Yes)
52% of eligible voters (503899 on the books in San Francisco)
40% of gen population(873965 2020 census)
1.20% of eligible voters in the state (22047448 eligible voters on the books)
0.60% of state pop (39538223 2020 census)

View attachment 7808993

Vote where they can't cheat yet.

Wow, that’s a statement coming from SFO
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So the first two vids on this page. I think they are getting arrested. I also think we are seeing a certain regime change unfold in real time. There are some historical vids of dictatorial coup speeches. I'm seeing alot of parallels, but in the name of Freedom.

Im not on facebook, these were broadcast on a livestream. As soon as I can find a non facebook copy I will post here.