I liked my instructors there. We had a 10 day military course that was great. We did have several of their more experienced instructors, and I appreciated seeing their style of teaching. I also appreciated Mr and Mrs Cooper letting us come into their home and talk to Jeff on topics (It is unfortunate that he has passed.)
As for a basic course for 69.00 that is an exceptional value. You must remember they teach aimed fire, not point shooting. This matters greatly because if you have an Applegate style of shooting instruction background it may rub you wrong.
So you have to ask yourself, 1) am I willing to learn something that may be different than what I already know? 2) Am I willing to look past differences to make me a better shooter? 3) Am I willing to shoot in the Arizona sun and do what I need to accomplish my shooting goal.
I enjoyed my time there, we shot pistol, carbine, and shotguns.