Gunsmithing Front tritium sight install on S&W 442/642

Keith Johns

Phoenix Custom Rifles
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I just purchased a Smith 442.

It's a J frame revolver. Aluminum frame. 2" barrel.

Fixed/integral front blade sight.

Problem is you cant see the front sight if you are in low light conditions. At night you'd just be pointing and shooting, which gets hard with a 2" barrel.

Im considering milling off the integral blade, and putting on a Tritium sight.

I havent picked out a sight yet, but it has to be about .250" tall, and .080" wide or so. Im looking at either a small dovetail, or a pin-able sight. There is meat above the barrel to run a pin through, a dovetail through, or even drill/tap.

Has anyone here done this? Any suggestions? They make sights for J frames, and I think even saw a 642 with a new tritium sight on it. But I didnt see a contact number for the smith who did it and I'd rather ask here.

Re: Front tritium sight install on S&W 442/642

I thought about doing it to my 642 but ended up getting an LCR instead, no gunsmithing required for a new front sight and I like the gun 10 times better also.

The smith 340PD is a J-frame with a pinned sight, you may look into how they did that one, and you should be able to just get that sight to put on. I believe they are pinned with a small blade that goes down into the barrel a bit, that was how I was going to do mine if I wouldve.
Re: Front tritium sight install on S&W 442/642


two things I have been wanting to do to my j frame. just never got the chance to sit down at the mill and figure it out.